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Everyone was split up, scattered around the wasteland of their once home. Hilltop was destroyed, everything they had burnt and mostly unsalvageable. The horses had gotten out, running freely in the wasteland. Many of their family dead from either the fire, walkers, or the Whisperers who had gotten in and take out a few people.

Max had lost Violet in the chaos and now was with Kelly, Alden and Adam, and Mary. He didn't know if his father had gotten out or not, the last time he had seen him was when they were trying to pile up the walkers. Nor did he know if his sisters and brothers were safe or not, only thing he could do is pray that Cassie, Judith, RJ, and Carl were out there somewhere and unharmed.

The four of them been walking most of the night, Alden refused to let him or Kelly take Adam so the man could rest. Max understand why Alden didn't want to  let the baby out his arms, he was the same with Cassie.

"Hey, let me take Adam." Kelly tried again, holding out her arms for the baby.

"No, it's alright." Alden says, looking exhausted.

"You need some rest." She insisted but Alden shook his head.

"It's okay. I'm fine. We just gotta keep moving." The older man says, coddling Adam closer to him. "Earl and the others could be at the rendezvous already."

Adam started to cry, Alden tried to soothe him the best he could but the baby boy's cried only got louder.

"Why don't you should try talking normal?" Kelly says when the man talked it the annoying baby voice.

"Oh, I am talking normal. Aren't I?" Alden tried to dismiss her, but his high pitched tone betrayed him. "I'm talking normal."

Max and Kelly shared a look, but the teen shrugged. "I did it with Cassie, so I can't judge."

"That's the creepy baby voice, Alden. Nobody likes the creepy baby voice. Not even babies." Kelly motioned at Adam, who was still crying.

Mary came up behind them, nodding towards her nephew. "Let me see if I can help."

"Thought I told you to stay back." Alden gave the woman incredulous look.

But Mary insisted. "I can help with Adam."

"Yeah, the bell you can."

Max didn't exactly trust the woman either, but he knew she could help calm the baby. "Alden, I trust her as much as you do, but if she could calm Adam down, then give her a chance."

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