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Walking though a gate, Matilda followed behind Maggie and Glenn as they headed into a part of the prison.

Daryl slid open the door, her father holding his machete in the air, ready for any threats. The group of seven crowded into the room, T-dog shutting the door behind them.

The gate that lead to a cell block squeaked as her father slowly opened it. The group fanned out looking cautiously for any walkers.

Her father pointed towards the guard tower noticing a figure in the window. Tilly stayed back to back with T-dog, watching as her father climbed the stairs.

Matilda glanced at Maggie who nodded, telling them it wasn't a threat. Climbing down the stairs, Rick held up the set of keys before walking of the cell block cells.

He placed the key into the lock before turning it slowly and pushed open the gate. Daryl walked in first, his bow raised as he moved further into the block.

The dark haired girl stayed with Maggie and Lola checking the cells for any walkers. As the girls, T-dog, and Glenn made sure the bottom floor was secure, her father and Daryl headed to the top cells.

Glenn and Lola went to get the others as T-dog dragged a dead Walker out of the cell block.

"What do you think?" Rick asked as his sons and wife entered the block.

"Home sweet home." Glenn comments as he walks to the cell he and Maggie were sharing.

Matilda walked over to her mother, hands her a blanket before motioning towards the cell her and Lee would be sharing.

"For the thing being." Her father says.

"It's secure?" Her mother questioned, moving towards the cell.

"This cell block is," Rick answers, smiling.

Matilda let a smile grace her lips upon seeing her father's smile. She was happy to see her father smile for once again.

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asked, walking over to the leader.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and the infirmary" He informs

"We'll sleep in cells?" Beth asked innocently.

"I found the keys on some guards. Daryl and Lola have a set too." Rick explains, holding up a key ring.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage. I will take the perch." Daryl scoffed as he sets himself on the perch.

Matilda walks into Carl's and Violet's cell. The two become close. Best friends even. They were reading Carl's comic books on the top bunk of their shared cell.

"Hey, Vi. Hey, papillon." She said as she walked in the cell. (Butterfly)

The two kids looked up and smiled upon seeing the older girl. Tilly smiled at the sight of Violet's leg resting on Carl's knees. The older boy didn't seem to mind and waved at his sister.

"Tilly, look! Carl has Spider-man comics!" Violet giggled, as she held up the red and blue comic book.

Matilda's smile widen at the little girl's excitement. Violet loves Spider-man, her room was decorated Spider-man themed.

"Are you going with dad tomorrow?" Carl asked, looking at his sister.

"No, I'm staying with mom," Matilda said, running her fingers through her hair.

"She's okay, right?" Carl asked, worried for their mother. "And the baby?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, but I just want to an extra eye on her, though." The dark haired girl said, nodding. "I'm gonna check on Lee."

Walking out of the cell, she walked up the stairs, side-step Daryl who was laying down on the perch. Matilda sent him a smile, which he returned.

At her mother's and Lee's, Matilda leaned against the doorframe with a smile on her face. Lee and Lori were laying on the bottom bunk, the boy's head was resting on their mother's shoulder as his hand lied on her swollen stomach.

Lee seemed to have forgiven their mother for leaving him at the start of this whole thing, which Matilda understands. Her brother had just turned thirteen back in January and was still young. And still needs his mother.

Unlike Lee, Matilda couldn't forgive her. Yes, she was overly-protective of her mother, and still needed the motherly comfort, but she could never really forgive her.

Yes, Lori's and Matilda's relationship had actually grown since the younger girl had found out about the pregnancy, but the dark haired girl could never truly forgive her mother for hurting her father and leaving her brother and her behind.

"Hey, Papillon, Mama." Matilda whispered, gaining the attention of the two.

"Hi, baby." Lori said as she slowly sat up.

"How are you feeling?" The daughter couldn't help but ask. "You look pale."

Her mother smiled. "You've asked over a million of times, love. Like I said before I'm okay. Just exhausted."

Matilda nodded. "I know, but I can't help about worry. I want to make sure you're alright, the baby is alright."

"Baby, we're fine. I promise." Lori said, chuckling. "I just some rest, that's all."

"Okay. I'll leave you to that." The dark haired girl said, walking into the room and planting a kiss on her mother's head. She looked at her brother. "Protect her."

Lee nodded as their mother lied back down with a tried laugh. "I will. Always."

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora