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JUDITH-018                      The four walked through the cell block in silence trying to find the way out

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The four walked through the cell block in silence trying to find the way out. Matilda cuddled her new sister in her arms.

She walked behind Kelly and her brother, emotionless. The scene replayed in her head, over and over again as her mother's blood-curling scream echoing.

Kelly leads the Grimes children through the tombs as if she remembers her way out. Her dark eyes glanced back at her traumatized best friend.

The baby was secure in her older sister's arms, protectively. Matilda vowed to protect her siblings at all costs.

Matilda looked down at her sister when she felt the baby squirm in her arms. Her sister gurgled, her tiny hands clutching the fabric of her blood ridden shirt.

The blood of their mother.

Hearing a gate squeak open, Matilda looks up to see Kelly allowing brothers through it. Walking through the door herself, She squinted at the bright sun.

The group, who was standing in a circle, snapped their heads up at the sound of the gate.

Matilda was met everyone, expected Carol and T-dog. Her eyes connected with her father's, she can't hold back the tears that threaten to escape.

She let out a loud sobbed as Rick stumbled towards her with tears in his eyes. "Where is...where is she?"

He started towards the gate as his daughter reached out to stop him.

"No, Dad, don't...daddy," Matilda begged, her voice strained.

"Oh no...no! No!" He cried out, bending over looking at his sons before he falls to the ground, finally breaking down.

Matilda was pulled into someone arms making her looked up to see Daryl.

Her redneck.

Letting out a sob, she lent her head on his chest. Daryl pulled her closer, careful of the baby in her arms, and kissed her forehead.

"Rick, you with me?" Lola asked, waving her hand in the emotionless leader's face. "Rick?"

The dark skinned woman flinched back when her leader suddenly stands to his feet and grabs his axe. He marched towards the cellblock that Kelly and his children came from.

Matilda pulls away from the redneck, moving towards her brothers and wrapped her arm around Carl's shoulder, pulling him close to her. Lee wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Let me see the baby," Hershel called towards the oldest Grimes child.

She looked at the elderly man and steered brothers towards him. As he walks, the rest of the group follows.

Matilda gave her sister to Carl and watches as Hershel pulled back that jacket taking a good look at the baby. The baby squirms in her older brother's arm before falling asleep.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Maggie asked, looking at the small hairless baby.

"We got anything for a baby to eat?" Daryl asked, coming up behind the dark haired girl and looked at the small human.

"The good news is she looks healthy, But she needs formula and soon, or she won't survive," Hershel states, causing Matilda to freeze.

"No. No way, not her." Daryl said, shaking his head as he felt the woman he has feeling stiffen. "We ain't losin' nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up," Maggie said, as she, Lola, and Glenn followed the redneck.

Feeling the baby move in her arms, Matilda looked down to see the baby's eyes were open looking up at her.
She had their mother's chocolate brown eyes and her nose. She looked a lot like their mother.


After getting the baby cleaned and wrapped in a clean blanket, Matilda held her, smiling, as she swayed back and forth.

A finger caressed the tiny baby's cheek as she blinked up at her older sister. Matilda looked at her brothers, handing the small human to her youngest brother first.

Carl took their sister, carefully, as she started to fuss. The baby started crying, squirming around in his arms when his sister went to help.

The youngest male Grimes refused to let his sister or anyone help him, wanting to be one to calm his sister. Lee had a smile on his face, reaching out a finger and placed him his younger sister's tiny hand.

Matilda smiled at the sight of her two little brothers and baby sister. The open of the block gate opening made the Grimes siblings' heads snapped towards the sound.

Maggie was the first one through the door, rushing towards Kelly and Beth with a bag full of baby formula and bottles. The two blondes quickly began making a bottle as Daryl was quick to follow, he walked towards the siblings and picked up the baby out of Carl's arms.

"How's she doing?" He asked, taking the bottle from Maggie. Matilda had a secret smile as she watches the redneck sway back and forth. "She got a name yet?"

"Judith." The Grimes siblings spoke together.

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