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Cassidy slid off the front of her father's motorcycle with a whine of pain when he stopped it in the gates of Hilltop. Yumiko, Kelly, and Jerry stepped in front of them with Luke linginging behind.

"Any sign of them?" Yumiko asked, worry and concern written in her face. Her girlfriend was trapped with Connie in the cave.

Daryl shook his head, hopping off his bike as his daughter wrapped her arms around Kelly, who returned it. "We didn't get that far."

"What did you mean? What happened?" Kelly asked, her hand smoothed the grime covered of the little girl she and sister come to be fond of. Her voice was laced with utmost concern.

"We gotta talk." Cassie's father grunted as a familiar blonde boy hurried over to them.

"Dad! Cassie!" Max jogged over, his eyes meeting his father.

He wrapped the older Dixon in a hug before pulling away as his sister barrels into him. His eyes darted between his sister's and father's wrapped up wounds.

"The hell happened? You guys okay?" His voice was laced with confusion and concern.

"We gotta talk." Their father murmured again as Max picked up his sister.

Cassie's limbs wrapped around her brother's torso and neck, like a koala bear and rested her head on his shoulder. Max smelled like Cedarwood, which was his natural scent, sweat and a bit of b-o, and a hint of flowers. Alice smelled like flowers; her natural scent.

Normally to people who wasn't in the world she lived in, Max would smell horrible but in this world he smelled like every other person. And to Cassie, oddly enough, it was comforting.

"D, I'm sorry. We gotta find out people, man." Luke spoke from behind the group.

Max knew what they were talking about. Kelly explained what happened to Magna and Connie and how Cassidy ran after their father when Daryl stormed into the woods.

"No. You can't go out there." Lydia shook her head. "My mother's coming."


The people of Hilltop, Kingdom, and Alexandria gathered in Maggie's old office with Yumiko standing front and center. Cassie was taken to the infirmary, even though she insisted she was okay but her father and Max forced her into the place. Kelly offered to say with the little girl but Daryl said that she was needed in the meeting.

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