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The baby is the size of an apple

A few weeks passed since Rick and Michonne went to find supplies and guns for the Scavengers (The trash people) and Tara had told her leader about Oceanside.

Matilda's father and Michonne had found a decent amount of guns for Jadis and her people, but the Queen of trash wanted more weapons. Daryl and Max had left the Kindom and resided in Hilltop with Rosie.

Now, most of the group was heading towards the Oceanside to get their guns for the Scavengers, Tara was feeling really guilty about telling her leader but this was what has to be done.

Matilda's stomach was more visible than before, due to her being fourteen to fifteen weeks along. Her father had said that Maria's stomach was bigger than they had originally expected.

Things were going harder to do, which will get harder further into her pregnancy, but she wants to do everything she can to help her family beat the Saviors.

Currently, she was walking with a sniper rifle in her hands with Lee who was holding his own machine gun. Matilda bumped his shoulder with hers making the boy look at her.

She gave him a smile, which he returned. She grabbed his hand in her free hand, giving it a squeeze as they walked hand and hand towards their destination.


Max was back at the Hilltop, watching over Judith and Edith, and vowed Rosie and Edin to protect Maggie at all costs. He was trying to teach Judith some ASL when he saw movement from the window. Standing from the floor, the young teen walked over it and saw Gregory walking out of the front gate.

He furrowed his brow before he hurried out of the room, down the stairs, and out the doors of the house. Max signed to a woman to go watch the toddler and baby before he sprinted towards the front gate.

As he ran around the corner, Max saw Gregory raise his dagger behind Maggie's back. The boy sprinted towards the pair, pulling out the gun his mother gave him and pointing it at the man.

"Drop the knife, pissbag." he croaked out, his voice breaking slightly. Maggie and Gregory turned to the boy and looked at him as the older man sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Hey, Max. It's okay, bud. Lower the gun. " Maggie said. "It's alright,"

Max kept his eyes on the older man as he lowered his gun, putting it in his waistline. He looked back at Maggie. "He was going to stab you. I'm supposed to protect you."

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