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After the father and son talk, Addy had given them a note that Henry went after Lydia and the Whisperers. Max and Daryl collected their stuff, heading towards the gate when Connie had said she wanted to come.

Morning hit as the trio tracked the boy, Connie signed. "He caught up with them."

Daryl nodded. "Yeah. There was a struggle. They caught up to him."

Dog barked gaining their attention, Max looked down the ditch and saw his best friend's staff. He slid down the slope, patting the dog, and picked up the stick.

"Henry's staff." He signed.

His father pointed behind. "They went that way."

Dog growled as two walkers came towards them making Daryl and Connie shoot at them. Dog went to get his owner's arrow, Max tried to make him drop it, but the arrow broke.

The teenager looked up at his father and Connie, the woman smiled and shook her head before walking away. Daryl looked down at his dog.

"Bad dog."

The trio made it to the tree line, a small herd roamed the open field in front of them, as two walkers came out of the woods dragging a tarp. The herd stumbled towards the tarp as the three Whisperers went back into the woods.

They made a plan that Max would lead the herd into the Whisperers's camp, while Connie and Daryl rescued Henry. Max crouched down, moving his way to the herd before gaining their attention.

"Hey, soulless freaks! Come and get me!" He said, loud enough the walkers to hear him.

Max lead the walkers towards the camp, took out one of the walker's that was far to close to him, before he ran in the opposite direction away from them. He heard the screams of the Whisperers echo through the woods as he met up with his father and Connie.

He took the mask that Connie stole from the Whisperers, slipping it on before they made their way through the herd. Once they got to Henry and Lydia, his father grabbed his best friend by the arm.

"Keep your head down. We're leaving."

"Not without Lydia." Henry said, with urgency.

"No, the girl stays." Daryl says.

"Then so do I."

Lydia looked at the boy. "Henry..."

Henry shook his head. "No. I'm not leaving you. I won't."

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