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The Dixons and the rest of Alexandria had returned to their home and now were dealing with constant waves of herds of walkers for two days straight. They had an idea of who was sending the waves of walkers at them, punishing them for breaching their agreement.

On the second day, Max was with his father and Michonne outside the gate of their home, he was exhausted like anyone else. Daryl and Michonne had told their children to stay inside the house until it was safe to come out, Cassie and Judith seemed to be a little reluctant but agreed anyway.

"How long till the next wave hits?" Michonne asked Eugene who was in the watch tower.

"One hour from the north, two from the south. Northern wave's thicker than fleas on a farm dog, but southern's more dispersed." The man replied. "By my estimation, we'll be fighting into the night again."

"Yeah, can't push them too much further." His father spoke, coming over to the woman.

"I have eyes." Michonne snapped. "I'm sorry. I'm just tried."

"We all are." Daryl nodded, patting her on the shoulder.

Max saw movement out of the corner of his eye, looking towards it, seeing one of the Whisperers coming towards them. "Mich, dad, heads up."

The trio meet up with the Whisperer as she spoke. "The north border. Now."

"Call off your walkers," Michonne demanded.

"Not us."

Daryl scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Not us." The Whisperer said more forcefully. "Go to the border, lay down your weapons, and wait."

"Wait for what?" Max asked.


Michonne called a meeting in the church, and the people of Alexandria were talking amongst them, Max stood with his hands on the back of Alice's chair as the meeting started.

"Alright! Is this your mother?" Michonne asked Lydia who was sitting next to Alice.

Lydia shook her head. "No. I don't think it is."

"Why'd she want to talk with us?" Daryl inquiries.

"You crossed into her land. Again. You have to answer for that." The younger teenager answered.

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