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When Jerry opened the door walkers piled in bypassing them as one of their own. Alice couldn't help but to feel scared, her stomach twisted with anxiety as she pressed herself against the wall and Carol. Her hand slowly made her way into the older woman's hand, adding some reassurance that she needed.

Then they started to move, ever so slowly out of the cluster of walkers as her hand gripped onto Bee's, linking the three women together. Once they were out of the room, the four group split off, Alice was sandwiched between Carol, who lead the two girls and Bee, who was behind her.

There was a scream from somewhere in the middle of the horde, but neither of the women could do anything about it. Her blood ran cold, hoping that wasn't one of them, but a Whisperer. The horde suddenly became closer together, leaving not much room for them to shuffle through.

Out of nowhere a whisper attacked Bee, slicing her leg before Carol plunged her knife into the person's stomach. The whisper fell, making the three women quickly hurry away. But the whisper grabbed Bee's foot and stabbed her in the leg, causing the Oceansider scream out in pain.

Alice watched in horror as Bee was taken down by the walkers, she screamed for them to take the bag but Carol dragged Alice with her as they continued to walk through the horde. When they got to an open area in the horde, a Walker with a bag caught their attention.

The Walker was Lydia. The three women moved again, heading towards the group at their safe zone. Daryl go a call on his walkie that the whisperers were making their way into the hospital.

At the wagon, they meet with Marco who helped Luke and Jules set up their devices. Everyone got on the wagon, before loudly music played drawing the horde towards them. Marco drove the wagon leading the horde away from the hospital.


Cassie stood next to Rachel, her bow in hand and loaded with an arrow. A whisperer was chopping at the door, making a small hole in the door.

Gabriel came over to them and spoke. "Evacuation started. It's gonna take time getting everybody down. Cassie, I want you go back and stay with the kids."

"No, I'm helping." She said, stubbornly.

Gabriel didn't put up a fight and nodded as Rachel spoke. "We'll give it to them."

Suddenly a make-shift was thrown through the hole, Gabriel grabbed her and Rachel as he yelled. "Move!"

The trio throw themselves to the ground behind a wall as the explosion went off. Cassie stumbled to her feet with the help of Gabriel, and saw two of their people was killed by the explosion.

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