happy birthday (bunny)

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september 11th, the day the united states would never forget, but also leo's birthday. he had been born before the tragedy but he couldn't help but feel bad about the day that's supposed to be one of the happiest for him was a day of mourning for so many others. thankfully, his best friend kenny would always be there for him and try to make the day the absolute best he could. leo woke up on his birthday only to be yelled at by his parents and sent to school early with no breakfast. it broke leo's heart knowing that even on his birthday that his parents would be rude to him. what made it even worse is kenny wasn't on the bus so cartman picked on him. kenny had left stans gang to hang out more with butters in their first year of middle school. cartman didn't dare pick on butters when kenny was around. kenny had finally moved out of his family's house after getting a full time job at tweek bro's coffee. he got custody of karen and they got a cheap apartment in south park. they were living paycheck to paycheck, but it was better than being around meth labs and drunks. butters was worried because kenny still hadn't come to school by lunch. finally leo saw his best friend walking up to his table in the cafeteria. he instantly got up and ran to kenny, giving him a big hug. kenny picked him up and spun him around like a princess.
"hey cutie, happy birthday!!" kenny said happily. he grabbed butters hand after setting him down and pulled him out of the school.
"ken what are you doing! we have class after this!" leo replied anxiously, his parents would be so mad at him if they found out he had skipped his classes. kenny looked down at the shorter boy before pulling him into a tight hug. kenny saw the sadness in butters eyes and he just felt compelled to hug him.
"i called in as your dad bub, i told the school you had a doctors appointment today and that you could just drive yourself. master trickster, i know, there no need to thank me." kenny chuckled at his last sentence, he gave leo a kiss on the head before saying "now come on we've gotta go." kenny started to drag leo along again. leo complied, wondering where they were going, but he didn't ask as he knew kenny wanted it to be a surprise. they hopped in kenny's old truck and drove for about 10 minutes before kenny announced they were at their destination. they walked into kenny's apartment, and leo saw karen was there. the two had a special sibling like bond and he was always happy to see the younger girl. they shared their hugs and karen gave leo the card she had made for his birthday. the rest of the afternoon was spent watching movies, and afterward kenny took butters and karen to denny's. they all got their food and chatted about school and leo's birthday. they went back to the apartment and karen went to bed. by this time it was already 10pm and butters was stressing about his curfew. kenny went over and hugged leo tightly, he shushed him and calmed him down. kenny then informed leo that for one night he was able to have butters stay at the apartment. leo was so excited to spend more time with his best friend. they watched a movie and then they head out to the balcony of kenny's apartment. they sat on the patio furniture, looking up at the stars. the sky was clear of clouds, south park being such a small city doesn't have too much pollution, so the stars were really easy to see. they had music playing in the background. the song star shopping by lil peep tonight. both boys went silent, it was a song that had happy memories to both of them so they wanted to listen intently. one lyric stuck out to both of them "look at the sky tonight all of the stars have a reason, a reason to shine a reason like mine". by the end both boys were crying, they cuddled close, and started to talk about life and everything wrong. by the end it was 3am and both boys had cried harder that night than they had in the past 5 months. it was a very touching moment for the two boys, and they were so happy to have it. the two boys decided that after a long deep convo they needed to go to bed. the two boys crawled into bed together and cuddled. leo kissed kenny on the cheek to tell him goodnight. kenny ran his fingers through leo's hair until he fell asleep. kenny couldn't fall asleep. he had so much on his mind that he just couldn't calm down. he decided once leo was fully asleep he'd head to the nearest cvs and pick up some stuff for pancakes later in the morning. by the time kenny got home it was 4:30. he decided after his walk he would try to lie down and sleep. he still couldn't manage to fall asleep. his mind danced all over the place, "do i like leo?" "does leo like me?" "would his dad allow us to date?" kenny's mind raced 6million miles per minute. kenny just decided he needed to get up and start his day at 5 am. he showered and got dressed and he watched the sun rise by himself. lofi played softly in the background. he wondered if this was something normal people do or not. he did a couple of chores around the house before realizing he had spent a lot of his time alone just thinking. it was 9:15 so he decided to start on the pancakes. he mixed the bisquick with the other ingredients and turned on the pan. he waited for the pan to heat up, pouring batter on when it got to the right temperature. kenny watched it bubble before he flipped them. he was so lost in thought he didn't realize leo had woken up and grabbed him from behind. kenny turned around and hugged the shorter blonde back.
"this is your belated birthday breakfast hun. now go sit down." kenny said as he gently kissed butters head. "oh and care you get karebear real quick before you sit down?" leo nodded and head into the small girls room. kenny finished the pancakes and went to check on leo and karen. karen and leo were playing with the few toys karen had. leo blushed when he noticed kenny watching. karen ran up to kenny and gave him a big hug, he carried her out piggyback style to the dining table to serve her her pancakes. at that moment butters realized he was really in love with kenny. he just seemed like he'd be a good dad and he was just so sweet.
"are you coming butterfly? the pancakes are gonna get cold." leo nodded and head out to the table. leo sat down and thought, "they're a little family, but they're my little family". the boys confessed their feelings for each other about 2 weeks later, karen was excited for another brother and leo was happy to be a part of their family. they moved out together when leo turned 18 and they got married soon after. they adopted a couple kids and raised karen more like a daughter than a sister. in the end things work out, and that was still the best birthday leo had ever had.

*words 1282*

happy birthday butters!! i know for some people it isn't 9/11 anymore but i just barely made the cutoff myself ahah. i had this idea today and wrote it in between classes, during lunch, and after school. road trip pt 2 will be coming very soon, and i hope you guys liked this! also if you watch the dream team, what did you think of george and minx and who do you hope wins in mcc on saturday? i love you all!!

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