*angst* tears (style)

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"so is he really just a friend stan? or is this just another lie" kyle questioned the raven haired boy. stan couldn't even look kyle in the face at the moment, all he felt was guilt and his heart shatter into thousands of pieces.
"kyle i'm sorry. trust me on this, he really is just a friend. even if we met on a dating app, we're just friends. baby, please believe me!" stan begged the red head. kyle wanted to believe him so bad, but with stan's history of cheating, as he cheated on wendy to get with kyle, he just couldn't bring himself to trust the other. kyle shook his head as he grabbed his car keys.
"don't come looking for me. i don't want to put up with your bullshit now." the shorter boy said in a harsh tone. kyle slammed the door as he left, heading out to waste gas and think about what all had happened.
stan silently cursed himself, abusing the doorframe next to him till his knuckles bled.
"what do i have to be so god damned stupid!" stan said out loud to no one in particular "i knew i shouldn't have messaged him!" stan's intentions were bad from the start though. stan didn't just want a 'friend' he just wanted someone to see on the down low, someone kyle didn't know about but not anybody he would want to kiss or fuck. more so a therapist he didn't have to pay for. maybe so often they'd drink or get high and profess their love for each other, but not someone either one of them would date. stan knew that this wasn't healthy, he knew it sucked and would hurt kyle but he couldn't help it. stan started to punch a pillow, beating it senseless trying to get out some anger with himself. he knew kyle was gone forever, he needed to go find the other male, trying to get at least one last word in to make some sort of reconcile. stan hopped in his car and went to the only place he thought kyle would be, he sped to stark's pond and went to the tree they had carved their initials on when they were only 11. kyle was sitting there, looking at the initials crying silently. he couldn't believe stan could've done this.
"kyle?" stan questioned. the red head didn't even give him a second glance, "i'm sorry. this is so stupid of me. i promise it'll never happen again!" stan begged and pleaded.
"i want to believe you. i wish i could, but i can't. he's so handsome, i really hope he makes you happy." kyle responsed, not even giving a second glance. "you've convinced me everything about you was true, how you cheated on wendy with me when we first started dating. and you can always say 'things will be different' but they won't be. they never will be. and i can't move on from that. i'm sorry, but we have to break up. i'm done with this stan. i still love you, so much. and i know how much you still love me, but i can't keep hurting myself with this, with...you". the silence from stan spoke volumes, everything kyle said was true. he hated knowing that, but he always knew kyle was smarter and always knew how to read people better than him.
"please, just kiss me, one last time. that's all i ask" stan said, breaking down. sobbing harder than he ever had before. kyle, not even looking back just shook his head. "no, it's better if you just go stan. goodbye".
stan head back to their shared apartment and gathered his things. he loaded them into his car, and just started driving. by the time he needed to fill up on gas, he was already in kansas. he drove to new york, leaving everyone he had loved behind in south park. he never heard from kyle again, as he blocked him on all social medias. he met a nice man, had some kids, and grew old with him. but even after all that, stan never moved on from the red-headed jewish boy from the small podunk town of south park colorado.

*words 709*


hi besties!! i hated hated hated how this ended but it's fine. if it really bothers me that much i'll just edit it later when i feel sadder lmao. anyways how many of you guys have watched post-covid/return of covid, and lmk what you guys think of it!! i love you all so much!!-kimmie <<3

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