my superhero (mysterion/kenny x butters)

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*tw: mentions of homophobia and abuse*

butters grew up in a terribly homophobic home. when butters came to the realization that he might want to experiment with boys, he wondered what was wrong with him. his dad found him trying to experiment and sent him to conversion therapy. he came back "all better" but what his dad didn't know was he was hooking up with his roommate throughout the program. butters dad found out after about 3 weeks from him being home. the boy would be beaten by his dad nightly, and his mom never interfered in fear of being attacked as well. butters went to school with bruises, and the only person who seemed to care was kenny. he despised seeing the smaller blond in pain, so he decided to dress up as his alter ego mysterion to see if he could get any information from butters, because he sure as hell knew butters wouldn't tell kenny. butters heard a tap on his window after being sent to his room after his nightly beating. he looked up and saw a boy, slightly taller than him, dressed in a skintight suit with his underwear outside and question marks on the top of his head. he opened the window letting the taller boy in, wondering what was happening. the taller boy spoke in a deep voice, surprising the younger of the two.
"hello butters. i am mysterion. think of me as a sort of guardian angel. you can confide in me when you have problems and i will always be here to listen and to be a shoulder to cry on. i've heard so many amazing things about you. i want to help you. please trust me buttercup." mysterion, well kenny, walked toward the fragile blond boy. he took out a first aid kit and started to clean butters wounds and tried to get the bruises to go down more.
"hey mystie? who are you? and thank you very much for taking care of me. my dad is a real pain in the ass sometimes so he hits me when i get home. he doesn't like the fact that i'm bi. he has a really big problem with me liking this boy in my grade, and my mom doesn't do anything because he'll hit her too and i don't want that to happen. i just wish it all could stop since cartman bullies me too. but i keep going because of my crush because i think he might like me back." butters said the end with a weak smile, wiping away tears from his cheeks. his eyes were red, and he didn't even realize he started crying till he stopped talking. mysterion went over and took the smaller boy in his arms, hugging him tightly and petting his hair.
"hey butterfly calm down. deep breaths in and deep breaths out. you've got this, i've got you. i'm here, and i will never EVER leave you sweetheart. and even when you don't think i'm here with you, i will always be in your heart, okay?" mysterion whispered into butters ear, and when he looked down he saw the smaller boy asleep. mysterion took off his suit and mask, made sure the door was locked, and crawled into bed cuddling the smaller boy. he gave him a kiss on the head before he laid down mumbling an "i love you" before he fell asleep.
when butters woke up the next morning he felt extra warm, and he wondered what had happened the night before. he got closer to the warmth because he wasn't ready to get up, and he decided he'd figure it out when it was later in the morning. butters woke up again and turned to see that kenny was in bed with him. he started going through all of the scenarios that happened last night, crying, talking to a superhero type boy, crying to him, and he can't remember anything after that. he looked on the floor to see the superhero costume lying on the ground. butters shook kenny awake.
"ken, hey ken. wake up. i need to ask you something" butters said. kenny's eyes shot open and he looked like he felt he messed up.
"oh hey buttercup. sorry if i scared you this morning. i made sure your door was locked last night before i went to sleep. also, if you'd like, i got custody of karen and we moved out into an apartment and you could move in with us." kenny said acting like this was a normal thing for both of them.
"wait really ken! of course i'd love to! also, what happened last night? did we like, you know?" butters insinuated, looking anxious. he knew kenny would never take advantage of him, but he just wanted to make sure he didn't try to make any advances on kenny.
"nope butterfly we didn't do anything like that. farthest we went was i held you and i gave you a kiss on your head before i went to bed. also i think i should tell you that i'm mysterion so you're not too confused. but pack a bag sweetheart we're gonna get you out of here and we're gonna go to my apartment. i want you to take pictures of your cuts and bruises, and i know it will be hard, but it will help you get away from your dad easier. i promise. also this might be too early, but would you like to be my boyfriend butterscotch?" kenny took a deep breath in, worried about what butters was going to say. finally butters responded to the anxious blond.
"i'm happy we didn't do anything, i don't want our relationship to be ruined. i'll only do that if you help me and make sure i don't get too overwhelmed. and i would love to be your boyfriend ken. i've had a crush on your for so long, and i was just waiting for you to ask me." butters hugged kenny tightly not wanting to let go ever. he loved the scent of the taller boy, and how warm he was. finally he let go of kenny and placed a quick kiss on kenny's lips, smiling and blushing madly after. butters and kenny snuck out through butters window, finally feeling safe with his boyfriend kenny. they were heading to their new apartment, butters was excited to meet karen and kenny was excited to finally get butters out of his toxic home. butters finally got emancipated from his parents. now butters, karen, and kenny could all be one big happy family.

*words 1103*

this was really fucking long holy shit ahah. i worked like 4 days on this, and also my hair is red as hell. i'll add a pic in my next chapter

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