going native (bunny)

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*in this au butters and kenny go to hawaii when they're 16*

"fine, i'll go" kenny said getting ready to get on the plane with butters. for some context butters was as pissy as an emo chick on her period, and insulted everyone but me, saying i was the only one with some dignity.
"thank you for coming ken, it means a lot to me" butters said sounding the nicest i've heard him in days. the plane, heading to hawaii, was just about to take off.
"don't worry butterfly, i've got your back. i know how much this means to you. i'm so happy i could help" kenny said sincerely, in the same tone he spoke to karen in. he had always had a soft spot for butters, never wanting to see him get hurt. only two people held that spot in kenny's heart, karen and butters. karen knew kenny liked butters, because he was always gushing about the petite blonde boy. karen liked butters too, and had always hoped that butters would become her brother-in-law eventually.
kenny was lost in his thought, until he felt a small hand going to hold his. kenny looked at the smaller boy.
"sorry ken, i get scared when flights go to take off sometimes, it just worries me. i'm so anxious we might crash, or there's going to be a fire, or the door opens a-" butters tangent was cut off when he felt the taller blonde grip his hand, squeezing it tightly.
"hey baby, you're gonna be okay. i've got you, calm down sweetheart. nothing is going to happen when i'm here with you. i've got you." kenny said in that cool tone of voice. butters instantly felt himself melt into kenny's words, resting his head on his broad shoulder.
"thank you ken, that makes me feel a lot better, i'm so happy you came with me." butters said, yawning when he finished the sentence, obviously tired from being so angry the past couple days.
"hey butterscotch, it's okay, you can fall asleep. come on sweetheart, lay on me. you can fall asleep love." kenny said in a quiet tone, looking at the smaller boy. he continued saying "the flight is 11 hours, so we have some time. when we wake up we can play some fun games and goof around." but by the time he finished the smaller boy was already sleeping. kenny just shook his head, put in his headphones, and turned on some music.
before he tried to fall asleep, he placed a light kiss on butters head, and softly said "i love you butters, never forget that.". little did kenny know, butters had woken up, and slightly smiled, whispering back "i love you too kenny, so so much." the rest of the flight went smoothly, spent cuddling and playing card games.

*words 463*

hey everyone!! long time no write ahah, it's been since like 2017/2018. please correct me on spelling/feedback. and if you have any requests please feel free to comment them! also this was based on the episode "going native" but this is what i think could've happened on the plane ride since we didn't see that. i love you all so much!!

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