heather (kyman)

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*kinda sad ahah*

the third of december eric cartman gave kyle his sweater. he said it looked better on kyle then it did on him. neither of them expected it despite having crushes on each other for years. neither of them had talked about their feelings for each other. despite cartman liking kyle, he couldn't keep his eyes off the pretty girl, named heather walking by. she was a sight for sore eyes. she gave off more light than the brightest blue sky. cartman was mesmerized by her, and kyle felt like he was dying inside. cartman had kissed him a couple months prior, and at this moment kyle wondered why cartman ever kissed him. he wasn't half as pretty as her at all. cartman gave her his sweater, it was just polyester, but kyle could tell cartman liked her better. and at that moment kyle wished he was heather.
kyle watched as he stood there watching cartman hold her hand. he put his arm around her shoulder, and kyle felt colder. kyle wondered how he could hate her, she was so nice and pretty, almost like an angel. but then again, kyle kinda wished she were dead so he could get cartman for himself. kyle was wondering why cartman ever kissed him again, he wasn't even as half as pretty as heather. he still had cartman's sweater. it was just polyester, but it reminded kyle cartman liked her better. he put the sweater on crying, wishing he were heather.

*words 244*

hey guys!! this is based off Heather by Conan Gray. i love his music so much, and i've been so damn obsessed with this song(i might've cried a couple times), but i just absolutely love it. also i just now finally watched bigger, longer, and uncut and i ship gregstope so damn hard. anyways my dad is thinking about taking my mom to state to get more child support for my monthly expenses and i'm getting my wisdom teeth out tuesday so i'm so sorry if i don't update! i love you all so much!!

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