snow part 2 (dip)

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finally the two days had passed, only about 20 minutes before the two boys would head up to earth. damien would never admit it, but he was nervous. like, really nervous. pip had been talking about how great the overworld was for almost all of the two days. just trying to hype the demon boy up before they went to earth. little did pip know this was only hurting damien, not helping. pip tried his best to help damien calm down by assuring him nothing would happen. pip asked damien to go back up to south park, where he had lived when he died. he wanted to see butters and dougie again, he missed his two "friends" after he'd died. damien wasn't going to protest, too stressed to care where they were going. finally, damien opened a portal and they stepped into south park, the grass surprisingly green.
"oh no! there's no snow here yet! i saw on the forecast that it's supposed to snow tonight! come on damien let's explore and see all of my old friends!" pip exclaimed excitedly. he grabbed the demons hand, calming him slightly. pip talked about the quiet little mountain town passionately. even though he was constantly bullied by the 4 main boys he was still happiest here, away from his sister and her husband. he walked to butters house, wanting to see him the most. he told damien the story when they played Charlie's Angels in 3rd grade at the meteor party. that was the one time stan hadn't bullied him completely, and was at least semi nice to him. he brought the dark boy to butters house, throwing rocks at butters window, knowing he would probably be grounded. the two said their hellos and introduced each other. after a bit of catching up pip took damien to starks pond. on the way he explained when the entire town turned metro-sexual and what he wore during that time, causing damien to laugh at him. finally they arrived at starks pond, seeing it had frozen over. pip thought they should go out of the ice and "ice skate" even though they didn't have any skates. damien was extremely scared getting out onto the ice, having never experienced it before. he held onto pip closely, and got the hang of it a bit. finally, pip took damien to a little tree house he had found when he lived here. they discussed the time pip went to china for dodgeball, and ended up beating the entire chinese team. they climbed into the treehouse. as soon as they fully got inside it started snowing. pip told damien to just watch the snow fall, it instantly calmed the dark boy. the hypnotic and rhythmic falling of the snow just made him feel like all of his problems left his body. he cuddled closer to pip, who had seemingly fallen asleep in the 30 minutes they had been watching the snow. shortly after damien fell asleep as well. when they woke up pip insisted that they play in the snow. he wanted to experience that childhood wonder one more time, knowing damien probably wouldn't want to come back up to earth. they made snow angels, had a snow ball fight, and went sledding. it was the most childlike thing damien had ever done, and he enjoyed every second of it. finally after about 2 hours of playing in the snow they decided to go back to hell. they got back home, and took a shower together being cold from the snow. they both got dressed to take a nap, talking a little before they both passed out.
"thank you for taking me up to earth damien. i really enjoyed it. i'm sorry i pestered you about it for so long, we don't need to go back again. i just wanted to do that with the person i love the most." pip finished by cuddling closer to damien and yawning. the demon boy looked at the innocent one who laid on his chest. his heart filled at the sight. he knew that earth may be scary, but he'd do anything to make pip happy.
"i know i only said we'd do that one time, but i think i can make an exception for the person i love the most." damien responded, looking down at pip, seeing his eyes fill with joy at the thought of going back to earth again. pip rambled about how they should get a cabin in the woods and spend christmas there. damien just listened to his boyfriend. after a while they both fell asleep. maybe earth isn't so bad.

*words 775*

hey everyone! here's part 2 to snow. i like this chapter more than the last. anyways i love you all so so much!!

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