cake (tyde)

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token and clyde were best friends. they had been for at least 7 years. they were sophomores now, and clyde was over at tokens house. they were hanging out and playing games until clyde decided he wanted to bake a cake. he asked token, giving him his best puppy eyes he could, making token cave and give in to help him.
"COME ON TOKEN LET'S GOOOOOO!" clyde yelled jumping up from token's bed as he began running to the kitchen. they were home alone so clyde could be as loud as he wanted without being told to use his inside voice. token put on his playlist he made for clyde. it consisted of songs he knew clyde liked and songs that reminded him of clyde. he called it "for my (cry)baby" because he had always had a crush on clyde and he didn't want to make it too obvious. token and clyde gathered the ingredients for a chocolate cake. clyde danced around the kitchen while token started making the batter. clyde walked over and dipped his finger in it, swiping it over token's nose, giggling as he ran away. token wiped it off and started chasing clyde. eventually the chase stopped when clyde slipped and fell and he started crying. token picked him up bridal style and walked him to the bathroom, setting him on the counter. he calmed clyde down by hugging him, rubbing his back lightly, and breathing with him. token looked clyde over for any scratches or anything and wherever it hurt token would place a soft kiss, making clyde blush heavily and giggle.
"thank you token, you're the bestest." clyde mumbled into token's shoulder while hugging him tightly. token looked at the brunette boy clutching onto him for deal life and he couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. he couldn't hide his feelings for him anymore. he gave clyde a kiss on the forehead.
"you're welcome baby. and you're the best sweetheart. let's get back to making cake, shall we?" token said, holding his hand out for clyde to grab to hop off the counter. clyde giggled and blushed heavily, having the same warm and fuzzy feeling token had.
"thank you very much sir, i think we should get back to the cake." clyde responded, giving token a kiss on the cheek as payment. they poured the cake into the pans and put it in the oven. they set a timer and sat on the couch waiting for them to cook. they decided to play truth or truth, a game they had always played to keep each other honest with each other.
"okay bub, truth or truth" clyde said facing the other boy.
"hmmm truth!" token exclaimed
"do you have a crush? if so who?" clyde asked, extremely hopeful token would say his name.
"well clyde, if you just know, i do have a crush. his name is-" token was cut off by the beeping of the timer, signaling they needed to take the cakes out. both boys jumped up and ran to the oven. token grabbed the oven mitts and pulled out the cake. they set it on a wire rack while they waited for the pan and cake to cool so they could grab it and take the cake out. they both looked at each other and realized they had no frosting. they both walked to the front door, put on their shoes, and started the walk to walmart. token instinctively grabbed clyde's hand, making sure everyone knew clyde was his and that they should only make a move on him if they wanted their kneecaps to be inverted.
"token, you never finished earlier, who do you have a crush on?" clyde said, looking at token with soft eyes, ready to learn who his best friend liked.
"oh yeah, i like you baby. i've liked you for a while clyde. i was just waiting to see if you liked me back. now i clearly see you do. so sweetheart i love you." token said, looking at the shorter boy. clyde's jaw dropped and he stopped walking.
"WAIT REALLY!" clyde yelled shocked at token's confession.
"yeah love why would i lie to you? now come on we've gotta get to walmart before it closes." token started pulling clyde along behind him.
"well token i love you too. but you better give me time to process this when we get home." clyde said cuddling into token as they walked. clyde loved being so warm next to token. he was so happy they had everything figured out. from that day forward they were dating. all because they decided to bake a cake.

*words 778*

hey lovelies! sorry for taking so long to update today! it was my dads birthday today so we celebrated it. he's like my best friend, he's a real homie, and i'm very thankful for him so i decided that i would wait to update till he went to bed ahah. also i hate the way some of the stuff in the chapter was worded and also how it ended but it's fineee. anyways if you have requests leave the ship and idea in a comment and i'll try my best to do it justice. anyways i love you all!

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