an for you guys

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hey everyone!! so i know my updates have been weird recently, and it's just because i've lost some motivation to write. i've picked up my ukulele more and have actually started using it more. and my school starts on monday, so i'm pretty stressed about that. life is just really confusing right now and i don't know how much time i'll have to write or anything. plus i don't know if my activities are going to pick back up in these months, but if they do i'm busy most days of the week. i still love south park to death but there are more prominent things on my mind currently with school. plus my dad is already pressuring me to look at colleges and stuff(i'm a sophomore this year) so he told me already he won't settle for anything less than a b which is really damn stressful for me. anyways here's a video of my playing lemon boy on my ukulele for the good vibes :) (check comments!!). anyways i'll still be here to interact with you guys, i love reading your comments. i love you all so so so much, i really hope you understand where i'm coming from. anyways here's to this school year :)
-kimmie <3

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