Two and a Half Men: Part Three

Start from the beginning

Bobby John's eyes are wide open, and he smiles when he sees you.

"This house on Elm. The mother was killed, the baby was grabbed, but daddy wasn't living in the house at the time so he's still alive. What do you say we go and have a chat?"

"I say let's."

"You two go. I'm going to stay here with my little man," you grin and pick him up.

"You can do this solo, right?" Dean whispers to his brother.

Sam just nods and heads out the door without another word. You take a seat at the end of the bed and place Bobby John's feet on your thighs. You two begin to do a little dance, and Dean finds purchase at the edge of the bed next to yours.

"You'd make a really good mom," Dean finally says.

Your head snaps up to his, and your heart thumps at what's to come. He's looking at you the same way he did when you two were dating. God, you miss that look.

"You'd make a really great dad. Despite how we were raised, you have strong paternal instincts. Our kid would have been very lucky to have you as their father."

"I think your magic makes you a stronger person. Remember the case we went on about five years ago when you got kidnapped by those humans? You were locked in a cage?"

"God, that was five years ago? How long have we been doing this?" you chuckle.

You place Bobby John on the bed, and he crawls around, just doing his own thing. You make sure he doesn't fall off the bed while still talking to Dean.

"Yeah, well, I remember you telling us about what you could do. I guess it took 27 years for your magic to kick in, but when it did, you started to become more confident in yourself. You're a good person, Y/N."

"Thank you, Dean," you whisper. "You're better than you think you are."

You look back at the child only to see him asleep. You're not used to how often this kid wakes up and falls asleep again, but you make do with what you have. You get up and gently grab the child before transporting him back to the crib. After laying him down, you go back to the bed and lie down yourself. You and Dean are on different beds, but it feels like you're on one.

To have an actual conversation that doesn't lead to screaming and fighting is something you miss dearly. This is the first time in such a long time that you're being mature about this all instead of teenagers. You're afraid to take the conversation further in fear it might result in a fight, so you leave things the way they are now and close your eyes. It's nice to be in comfortable silence, and Dean seems to have similar thoughts.

You must have been more tired than you thought you were because you're drifting off awfully quickly. However, the moment is short lived when you hear something explode by the crib. Bobby John screams his head off, and you and Dean shoot out of bed. On the wall is blood and guts, and you're kind of scared to see what's in the crib. Nothing has come into the room, so you're not sure what could have made this mess.

You both get up and slowly cross the room only to be interrupted by Dean's cell phone going off.

"Yeah?... Yeah..."

The baby slowly comes into view, and your jaw drops a few inches. Bobby John isn't Bobby John anymore. He's a black version of Bobby John. You look to the right where the box of diapers are and see the exact same child on the side of it. The only way Bobby John is able to shift into the baby he sees is if he's a shifter himself. It would explain the blood and guts on the wall. You reach in and pick up Bobby John who is covered in the same substance on the wall.

"I'll be damned. It's a shifter baby. The shapeshifter is his dad," you conclude and look at Dean who houses the same shocked look as you.


It's Bobby John's first transformation by how much he's crying. You've gotten him cleaned up and in another diaper, but that's not calming him down. He's crying so much that you have one of the motel management knocking on the door.

"Manager! Everything okay in there?"

"Yeah, no, we're fine. Thank you. Good night," Dean says.

"There's been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir?"

"It's not a good time. Just got out of the shower."

"Bobby John, you have to be quiet, please," you whimper and pick up the screaming child.

You hoister him on your left hip, raise your right arm, and bring out your magic once more. If the first version of him likes it, then maybe this one will too. As soon as Bobby John sees the wisps of blue magic, he calms down and tries to grab for it. Since the baby stopped crying, the manager should go away. Instead, the doorknob rattles as he tries to get into the room.

"It's the shifter, Dean. Get rid of him. I'll protect the baby," you whisper.

You project a forcefield around yourself and the baby so that nothing can penetrate it. If Lucifer had a hard time getting through, then a mediocre shapeshifter won't be able to. Bobby John is mesmerized by the forcefield and the way it shimmers and glows. Dean stands by the door so that when it opens, he can pounce on the shifter right away.

The door swings open, and you make eye contact with the shifter. He's dressed as an officer, and you knew he only did that to put an APB out on the car Sam is driving. You silently look between him and Dean as the older brother creeps behind the shifter.

"Give me the baby."

"Not a chance in hell," you growl.

Dean attacks the shifter with a small silver knife, but the shifter is a lot stronger than you realize. He shoves Dean against the wall and knocks the knife out of his hand, and you contemplate setting the baby down to go help. The shifter so desperately wants this baby, and you have to figure out why. If he gets him, then you're shit out of luck. The shifter throws Dean towards you so that Dean is the only thing standing in the way between the shifter and the baby.

"Get out of the way."

"Yeah, that's not going to happen."

"That child should be with his father."

"Wow, I gotta be honest. I'm not really seeing the family resemblance," Dean jokes.

"I'm not just talking about me. I'm talking about our father."

The shifter moves to attacks, and Dean is quick to pick up the fallen blade. He rushes at the monster, punches him in the face, and slashes his cheek with the silver knife. The cut burns, but the shifter isn't screaming in pain. He must be used to the feeling, otherwise, he'd be on the ground. The monster grabs Dean's collar and throws him across the room where he lands between the two beds. Now that one of his obstacles is down, he turns to you with a deathly glare.

"I wouldn't if I were you," you warn, your eyes glowing blue.

He doesn't take the warning to heart and advances, but he doesn't get far. Sam shows up at just the right time and shoots the shifter in the heart, presumably with silver bullets. The monster goes down without a second thought, and Bobby John starts crying at the noise. You place your hand on the back of his head and turn away from the violence while letting down your forcefield.

"You're okay. Momma's not going to let anything hurt you," you whisper.

You've mixed reality with your imagination as it takes over. It made you think this is actually your child, which is why you said "momma". It just slipped out, but Dean heard it. He knows you regret what you did, and he's starting to feel like an ass about how he handled the situation. This isn't the time to be thinking about what could have been because you have a bigger issue on your hands: if the shifter is dead, then what do you do with the baby? Will more come for it? Or is he now in your care?

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