Can't Even Think Straight {4}

Start from the beginning

                I shot him a glare. Was he trying to ruin my relationship with Sebastian? He totally wanted Sebastian all for himself. It was official. He was working with Liam to steal Sebastian away from me.

                Sebastian shrugged. “Amusing is amusing, whether he means to be or not,” he said, folding his hands behind his head and leaning back against the couch.

                “So…Sebastian, right?” I asked, deciding to play it cool again. Awww yea. I was impressive.

                “Yes Evan. We’ve already established this,” Sebastian said, fighting a grin. “My name is Sebastian. Sebastian Amsel.”

                “Sebastian makes me think of the crab from The Little Mermaid. Not that I ever watched that girly movie. Oh! And not that you remind me of crabs. Nope. Nu-uh. Just a connection,” I said with an unconcerned shrug.

                I cleared my throat nervously. “So, uh, yea. Amsel? That’s a pretty cool last name, I guess. Clearly it’s Italian,” I said.

                “Actually, it’s German.”

                “That’s what I said. Clearly it’s German.”

                Woo, that was a close one. He almost caught me there. Good thing I had cleverly recovered myself!

                “And how old are you Sebastian? 16?” I asked.

                “I’m 17,” Sebastian said. “We’ve been in the same class since the 5th grade, Evan.”

                “Oh, yea. I forgot, I guess,” I said. Playing dumb like that was a turn-on. Sebastian would be making out with me in private in a matter of seconds. I was positive of it.

                “Hey guys, I got food!”


                Murphy came down the stairs, carrying a tray loaded with chips, popcorn, soda, fruit snacks, and water bottles. He set the tray down on the couch and pointed at it.

                “Take whatever you want,” he said, dropping next to Sebastian and grabbing a chip. Sebastian grabbed a soda and looked over at Rory and I, who were just out of reach of the tray.

                “What do you guys want to drink?” he asked. Awww, he was such a gentleman! So thoughtful and considerate of others. And Rory wondered why I liked him!

                “I’ll have a Dr. Pepper,” I said, Rory nodding in agreement.

                Sebastian tossed the Dr. Peppers to us and tossed some popcorn up, catching it in his mouth. I think I nearly creamed my pants as I watched. Damn. That boy had skills with his mouth. I could only imagine what else he did with his mouth…

                “Stop thinking dirty Evan,” Rory said so that only I could hear him. He opened his soda and began to drink it.

                “Stop reading my mind,” I grumbled in annoyance, opening my own soda and beginning to drink it.

                “Murphy! Murphy!” Liam said, running down the stairs. He was dressed in Toy Story pajamas, and was the picture of innocence as he stopped in front of us, his eyes wide and eager. “Mom said I could play Nintendo with you guys for a little before I go to bed!”

                “Sorry Liam, but there’s only four controllers,” Murphy said, pointing at the game console.

                Liam glared, anger rising in his features and wiping away the innocent look. Ah shit. Here comes the friggin’ brat.

                “You can use my controller,” Sebastian said, quickly resolving the situation.

                “Yay! Thanks Sebastian!” Liam said cheerfully, skipping over and sitting down in Sebastian’s lap. He took the controller from Sebastian and nodded at Murphy to start a new game.

                Oh that friggin’ brat was moving in on my man again! He was only 7 years old! He wasn’t supposed to be attempting to seduce anybody, least of all a guy!

                Murphy began a new game. We drove, all trying to win. I smirked as I found myself in first place. Hey! Maybe I could impress Sebastian with my talented Mario Kart skills! Yea, I bet a gamer as amazing as me would definitely turn him on!

                Until I drove my character into a wall and lost.

                “Jeez, who was just in first place? They really sucked,” Liam said as he won the game, setting the controller in his lap.

                “Uh…Rory!” I said, pointing at him. Rory rolled his eyes at me and smacked my hand.

                “Liam! Time for bed,” Murphy’s mom, Mrs. O’Doherty, said, coming downstairs.

                “No! I’m having fun!” Liam whined, wrapping his arms around Sebastian’s neck and snuggling against him.


                “Liam! Now!” Mrs. O’Doherty said sternly. Yea, you tell him Mrs. Murphy’s mom! Get that brat away from Sebastian!

                “Come on Liam,” Sebastian said, standing up with the kid in his arms. “I’ll even carry you up there, okay?”

                “No! I don’t want to go to bed!” Liam said, his eyes pleading with Sebastian. “I want to hang out with you and Murphy!”

                “You can hang out with us tomorrow. We’ll even play more Twister. Now please do as your mom says, and go to bed?” Sebastian asked with a smile.

                Liam contemplated it before nodding and resting his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Carry me Sebastian,” he said, tightening his arms around Sebastian’s neck.

                Sebastian nodded and disappeared up the stairs with Liam in his arms and Mrs. O’Doherty following them. I stared after him.

                Well, if all it took was my mom telling me I had to go to bed, than fine! Whatever it took to end up in Sebastian’s arms!

                Still, tonight was going well. And now that the little man-stealer would be asleep, I could relax. If I could just get closer to Sebastian, I would be happy. Hell, I would be beyond happy.

                I didn’t want to come out as gay. It would ruin my reputation and, quite frankly, my life. But if I had a strong chance at a relationship with Sebastian, then I would come out. I would do anything to be with Sebastian. And I was determined to get with him.

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