𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓

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Swinging your bag back and forth with your left hand, you happily hum and skip along with the beat of music blasting through your earphones. As you pass random strangers on the streets, they can't help but smile at the joyful aroma you're giving off. Upon seeing the tall building in front of you, you take off your ear buds and dance in.

"Hello, Dani-chan!" you greet the desk lady who is well aware of who you are.

"Here to give Shirabu-san another surprise visit?" she asks as you sign in.

"Of course! The boy stays cooped up in the office all day and when he gets home, he just sits on his desk working all night long. He's always skipping his meals," you say.

"That's true. Thanks for taking care of one of our troublesome staff members."

Waving, you head off towards Shirabu's office in the clinic. Currently, you both were 23 years old and had been dating since your second year of high school. After high school, you both moved to Tokyo to fulfill your own careers. Eventually after college, Shirabu started medical school and worked in the clinic; he had become more busy--hardly having time to spare. However, it only made you want to stay by his side even more knowing that the man needed you to take care of him or else no one else would. You, on the other hand, had immediately gone under training for your parents' business. Even you weren't as busy as he was. The career always made you question why he chose it when it didn't seem like he enjoyed it much. Whenever you asked, he'd give the same reason: "I want to study something challenging. Becoming a doctor is something that I feel like I'd be good at." It was true, the boy exceeded in science and if there was one person who could successfully become a doctor--it'd be him, but it didn't seem like he was telling the entire truth.

Softly, you knock on the door to hear the beautiful voice say, "Come in."

"Ken-channnnn," you sing and take off your scarf to hang on an extra chair.

"Oh, you're here again, F/n?" he greets while continuing to stare at his papers.

A pout forms on your pink lips as you hug him from behind.

"That's not how to greet your girlfriend," you whine but kiss his cheek anyway. Releasing your grip, you sit besides him and take out a container of food. "I brought you lunch, hun. You need to take a break and eat."

Focused, he simply nods and continues his work--not sparing you a glance. Understandingly, you wait a couple of minutes until he reaches a good place to stop, but as five minutes pass, you realize that he had no intention of stopping.

"SH-IR-A-BU K-EN-JI-ROU," you sternly say each syllable of his name, "EAT!"

Finally, he turns your way with a scowl on his face. His skin was paler than usual and the bags under his eyes looked so abnormal. Simply put, he was a mess.

"I'm working, F/n. Leave me alone," he flat out says and is about to return back to writing, until you steal his pen. "F--"

"I said, 'EAT,' Kenjirou."

Irritation boils in both of your guys' bodies. This was the complicated thing about your guys' relationship--both of you were very stubborn.

"Ken-chan," you softly call, "I just care for your health. You need to take better care of yourself. What if I'm not here to help you or cook for you? What are you going to do?"

"Ugh, always nagging me left and right. I can take care of myself, F/n. I am a grown man--I'm not a baby!" he bursts, "just leave me alone and give me some space. You should be the number one person who knows I don't like it when I'm interrupted during work."

𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎! | 𝒔. 𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now