𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓𝒔

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As if God was avoiding your prayers, you once again run into Oikawa. However, this time, you are alone.

"How do you keep finding me?" you irritatingly ask as you try to avoid looking at him at all cost.

Shrugging, Oikawa answers, "Maybe it's fate, F/n-chan! Maybe we're meant to be."

"We're anything BUT meant to be. Please leave me alone; I need to do some things." Some things as in, filling up the water bottles.

"Let me help!" Oikawa gives you his angelic smile that you once would fall for in a heartbeat, but that wasn't the case no more. No, no, no, honey. Absolutely not after what he has done to you. Seeing that smile only aggravated you.

"Seriously, Oikawa. I do not want to see you anymore! LEAV--" Before you can finish your sentence, he pushes you against the cold wall and slams both hands on each side of your head.

"I said I wanted you back, F/n-chan," Oikawa harshly says until he realizes what he's doing and drops his hands. "Sorry, I just... ever since you left for Shiratorizawa, I feel like I've completely lost everything."

"You lost everything?" you scoff. "I was the one who lost everything. I lost my innocence and the way I think about everything and everyone. My happy place that I once had, you took that away from me by using me and tearing apart every little hope I once held for the world. You did that to me when I was at my lowest point and you didn't even care. So, if you feel like you lost everything, think again. Not everything is about you. Now please, leave me alone, Oikawa," you say all in one breath. As you're about to walk away from him, Oikawa looks up to see Shirabu walking towards you both. Irritation and fear floods over Oikawa's body.

"Wait, F/n-chan," Oikawa says and pulls your arm. Everything was too quick for you to even process what was happening and by the time you realized it, his lips were on yours. Shirabu's eyes widened at the scene and feels his heart break a bit.

'So this is why she was taking so long,' Shirabu thinks to himself and walks away. You harshly push Oikawa off of you and slap his cheek.

"Once again, you don't even care for me. You only care for yourself and only caring for yourself can only bring you so far! I never want to see your face again!!" you scream into his face then finally leave him as he stands there stunned. 'I can't believe this guy. He is literally so full of himself!' you are mentally screaming in your head as you fill up the water bottles. Too deep in thought, you accidentally overfill the bottle. "Ugh!"


"I'm sorry I took so long guys," you apologize in a monotone voice.

"That's okay. Is something wrong, F/n senpai?" Goshiki asks. You give a small smile that is not convincing.

"Nothing's wrong, Tsutomu." From afar, Shirabu stares at you and notices you aren't in your usual upbeat mood. Not going to lie as the author, BECAUSE I NEVER LIE AS THE NARRATOR, Shirabu was kinda sorta super angry and jealous when he saw Oikawa kiss you. He--being the dense boy he is--didn't understand why he was feeling like he was but all he knew was that he wanted to avoid talking to you. However, seeing how down you looked bothered him and was making it hard for him to ignore you.

"Go talk to her," Semi walks up and says to the copper haired boy. Frowning, Shirabu looks up at his senpai.

"Why should I?"

"Because it's obvious you want to talk to her. It's annoying watching you just watch her every move like a baby." Putting his pride aside, Shirabu sighs in defeat and walks towards you who is sitting on the floor.

"You... you okay, F/n-san?" Shirabu asks while avoiding eye contact with you.

From a distance, the third years watch Shirabu and scoff/laugh at him for being so awkward and shy. Tiredly, you look up and give a fake smile.

"Ken-chan..." you weakly call out. Softening, Shirabu kneels down next to you.

"What's wrong, F/n-san? You're pretty easy to read when something's wrong." You chuckle at his comment.

"I ran into Oikawa when I was going to fill up the bottles," you say. Shirabu sits down next to you to get comfortable. "And... he kept trying to talk to me. It was really frustrating and annoying, but... he really took the final straw when he... kissed me," you whisper the last part but it's loud enough for Shirabu to hear. Hearing it come out of your mouth broke his heart more than earlier. "I hate him," you say as your forehead rests on your knees. Not knowing what to do, Shirabu wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls your body to lean against his. This shocks you as your head is now resting on his shoulder. Trying to lift your head to look at his face, he abruptly prevents you from moving.

"Don't move... I don't want you to see my face. Just... relax," he whispers as he blushes and his heart races. Grateful by his actions of conformity, you relax and lean your head against his shoulder.

"Thank you Kenjiro." Staying in that position for another 15 minutes--LEMME JUST SAY, THE WHOLE TEAM, except for our innocent Ushijima, WAS FANBOYING--it is now time for Shiratorizawa's team to go warm up for their game that will determine if they'll make it to finals.

Unsurprisingly but excitingly, Shiratorizawa wins.

"You... you guys!!!!" you stutter out of happiness, forgetting everything that had happened earlier, and run to hug the team when they score their last point. Of course, the first person you jump on is Shirabu who is a blushing and sweating mess.

'Did the gym just get hotter?'

"Good job, Ken-chan!" you say, almost in tears as the others join the hug--ruining the moment a lil for Shirabu.

"F/n-san, you shouldn't cry. We haven't even won finals," Ushijima bluntly points out when he sees your watering eyes.

"OH SHUT UP, WAKA SENPAI!!! RUINING THE MOMENT!" you yell as the others laugh. After the boys clean up and change back into their tracksuits, it's time for you guys to head back to the campus. As you guys are walking out, you look on the poster board to see that you guys have actually made it to finals. However, when you look on the other side, you see who your potential opponent will be and frown as the memories from earlier flood back into your mind. Shirabu walks up to you and notices. Silently, he puts a hand on your head.

"Don't worry. I'll be there with you throughout the entire day," he says. Your heart races as you go too dumb to even speak, so you just nod.

Like I (the author) said earlier, God was avoiding your prayers today. When you and the boys get to the campus, right outside of the girl's dorm is Oikawa.

"Let me take you to dinner."


Would you let him take you to dinner even though he's a bad boy?

Date: 15 June 2020

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