𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅, 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆?

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You run your hardest to the gym to see that the boys are on a break while Shirabu is getting scolded for ditching even if it was only for 12 minutes. You notice this and get worried.

"Washijo sensei!" you run to the two and immediately bow.

"Please don't punish, Kenjiro-kun! H-he was just checking up on me to see if I was okay since I was supposed to end detention at 4pm but didn't appear at practice. It's my own fault for not answering my messages and not letting him know ahead. Please, if you have to punish someone, it's got to be me!" you say while tightly shutting your eyes. Sadly, you knew how scary Washijo sensei could get when he was angry. You've seen it plenty of times with the boys but this time it wasn't Shirabu's fault. Shirabu stares at you in shock.

Washijo sensei sighs, "The boys told me that you had an emergency to attend but I guess it was just detention." Now it was the boys' turn to sweat like crazy while Ushijima shakes his head in disappointment knowing that he should've just told sensei the truth.

Because Wakatoshi is a good boy.🥺

"And Shirabu, if you wanted to just check up on your girlfriend, you could've just told me," this causes Shirabu to blush like crazy while the boys try to hold in their laughs. "F/n, raise your head!" he says as you listen. He continues, "You guys are lucky... I will not be punishing you guys because it shows the trust and friendship that is needed between teammates. HOWEVER, do not ever do that again because I am also a part of this team." You all blush and nod obediently.

"Now continue practice!! And F/n, do your duties!"

You all immediately run to do your things. While doing your tasks, you are still in your uniform and sweating like crazy because you had ran all the way from the classroom to the gym.

'Thank goodness,' you place a hand on your pounding chest.

As you are handing the boys their bottles, Shirabu is avoiding you. It's not like he was mad at you; he just didn't know how to feel about you at that moment. He just witnessed you and his teacher confessing your guys' love for each other then all of a sudden, saving him from Washijo sensei's punishment. How should he feel?

Once practice is over, you lock up early today and wait for Shirabu to change.

"Aha, Washijo sensei called F/n-chan your girlfriend," Tendo teases in the locker room as Shirabu blushes.

"NO! He just misunderstood."

"I wonder why he would misunderstand? I mean it's obvious that F/n-chan likes you but that means that you're showing signs of liking her as well," Ohira comments.

"You like F/n senpai?" Goshiki asks in shock.

Shirabu is now a tomato, "NO, I DON'T LIKE HER! I'm just going to leave!"

He quickly grabs his bag, slams his locker door, then stomps out. This wasn't out of anger though... it was more out of embarrassment. When he walks down the stairs, he sees you waiting there for him while looking at the sky. When you feel a pair of eyes on you, you turn to see your lover boi.

"Ken-chan, I need to talk to you," you say and grip the straps of your backpack.

He frowns then sighs, 'I guess I'll hear her out.'

"Let's go," he says as you just follow him.

"U-uhhhh, how do I say this?" you blush and scratch your cheek.

He frowns--like usual.

"Why don't I just ask the questions?" he suggests as you obediently nod.

"Do you love Mizuki sensei?" he asks first.

You blush but honestly nod.

"That's beca-"

"I said I will do the questioning!" he interrupts you as you just shut up.

"What were..." he blushes, "what were you guys doing in the classroom that made you stay l-later?"

You give him a face of disgust but decide to answer, "We were chit chatting and even talked about you."

He snaps his head towards you, "What did you say about me?" You smile.

"I was talking about why I like you so much and how cuteeeeee you are!" He blushes at your teasing and looks away.

"Then why do you l-love sensei?" he finally asks as you giggle and run in front of him.

He stops walking when you face him.

"You really want to know?" you smirk as he just avoids eye contact and nods. You lean in and grab his cheeks to face you; this catches him by surprise and he blushes. Your hot breath touches his lips. You give him a serious look and whisper, "because I love my..... Cousin." He blinks a couple of times before realizing what you just said. He jumps out of your grasp.

"What????" You laugh at his reaction as he just stares back at you.

"You should've seen your face, Ken-chan!" you rest your hands on your knee and chest.

"W-what do you mean?" he blushes and frowns.

"You're literally the cutest!" you give him a smile and turn around to continue walking away. He blushes at your compliment then rushes to your side.

"So, Mizuki sensei is your older cousin?"

You innocently nod your head, "Yep! He's such a pain sometimes." He emotionlessly nods but mentally slaps his face.

'I can't believe I just assumed she was dating sensei?!!? How stupid can I be?' You decided it was a good time to tease him, knowing that he probably thought he was stupid.

"You don't have to worry about me giving all of my love to someone else, Ken-chan! I only have eyes for you," you give him a wink before running off to the girl's dorm, "I'll see you in a few!!" He just blushes and is about to protest but you're already inside.

𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎! | 𝒔. 𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now