𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎

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After nationals, life went back to normal—which wasn't so normal for most people. The boys were forced to serve 100 serves, run 5 laps around the track, and 50 squats each practice. On the sidelines, you'd sympathetically watch and sweat a whole ocean just looking at them. That went on for a whole week. Besides practice, Shirabu couldn't physically and mentally prepare for school, so you would have to help the boy—like the amazing girlfriend you are. The only problem is, you caused him to get a D on one of his chemistry assignments. Thankfully, the school freak didn't lash out on you. He was too tired to even care—which you were grateful for.

"Babyyy," you softly sing as you poke his cheek.

Another week has passed, and the boy was back to his regular schedule. Currently, Shirabu was working on his assignments in his room, which he gladly invited you. Kawanishi wasn't there because he was hanging out with Kira. Once you and Shirabu hit it off, the two best friends found each other amusing and started a new relationship.

"What is it, N/n?"

You blush at the nickname he made for you and mentally fangirled.

'How can this boy still make my heart flutter even though we've known each other for a long time now?! Shouldn't I have gotten past this stage?!?!?!'

"F/nnnnn, F/nnnnn?" he waves his hand in front of your face.

"Huh?" you snap out of your thoughts and form a pout. You launch your body onto his and cling his arm. "No more F/n. Call me N/n!" you childishly command causing him to sweat drop.

"Ehh? But your name is F/n."

Playfully, you continue to stomp and kick your feet as your bubble gum lips continue to pout—driving the boy insane.

'She's so adorable! I just want to cover her with kisses!'

The thought causes him to blush and he turns back to his assignment.

"S-stop acting like a kid! I'm going to do my homework!" he stutters and feels sweat developing around his body. 'It's hot in here!'
You ignore his command and throw your arms around his head. Now, your body was against his and his left cheek was resting against your breasts.

"You've been doing that for hours! Take a rest, Ken-chan. It's not good for your health and you'll mess up your eyes with the light from your laptop!" you explain as you jump up and down to exaggerate your frustration.
Shirabu was now a hot mess and as you continued to blabber on, he wasn't even listening to what you were saying. All his mind was filled with was the warmth from your touch. Not being able to take it in any longer, he releases his body from your grasp, grabs you by the waist and throws you on his bed.

"Kenjiro?!" you squeal in shock as you land on his mattress. Ignoring your outburst, he leans over your body and rests each hand next to your head. He closes the large gap between you two until your noses are touching.

"You literally make me go insane," he growls, making you turn into a tomato.

"U-uh, K-Ken—"

He interrupts you with a harsh kiss and immediately pulls back before you could return it.

"Don't interrupt me!"

"Y-yes, sir!" you squeak.

Upon hearing you call him, 'sir,' he rolls his eyes making him look even sexier. Slowly, he leans in as if he's going to kiss you. Instinctively, you close your eyes and pucker your lips to get ready for a kiss that never comes. Confused, you open your eyes to see him smirking.

"K-Kenjiro!!" you angrily pout as he bursts into laughter.

"I-I'm sorry!" he says between his laughs and sits besides you on the bed. "I couldn't help but tease you."

Seeing the boy you love laugh, the anger disappeared in an instant. This was a scene you never wanted to forget. Every single day you spent with Shirabu, your love and affection for him grew more and more. Little details became more meaningful and these memories became more precious. The same went for him. Shirabu grew to love and appreciate you more as well.

"I love you, Ken-chan," you blurt which stops him from laughing.

Smiling, he grabs hold of your hand and cups your cheek.

"I love you too, N/n."

Leaning in, you both are finally able to taste the lips that you both have been craving for. Insync, your tongues dance with each other and his hands dig themselves into your hair. Needing to catch a breath you both pull away and rest on each other's foreheads. Looking into chocolate eyes you happily grin.

"Thank goodness I suck at chemistry!"

Date: 31 August 2020

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