𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎

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"Him..." You point at a copper haired boy.

"Huh? What do you want from that scrawny boy?" Tachi Kira, your best friend asks as she lazily chews on her pocky.

"I want him," You cup your cheeks with your hands and smile.

"Eh, him? Why him out of all people? He doesn't seem like a person to stand out... In fact, he's pretty plain looking if you ask me. Ushijima-san or Semi-san stand out more," Tachi comments as you just continue staring at him.

"No... He's perfect," You sigh in happiness.

'Whatever, she'll be over him in a few days,' Tachi rolls her eyes, 'After all, she's L/n F/n. She's never serious about being in a relationship.'

"Hey Kenjiro," Tendo pats the younger boy's shoulder, "You have a fan who keeps staring at you."

Shirabu stops his assignment and looks at Tendo, "What are you talking about?" Tendo just points towards your direction and Shirabu looks. When Shirabu looks towards you, you both make eye contact for a little bit until you wink. Shirabu's eyes widen and blushes. Flustered, he continues to do his work again.

"Did she just wink at you?" Tendo asks and starts laughing.

"Who winked at who?" Goshiki joins the conversation.

"It's not-"

"That girl over there just winked at Kenjiro!" Shirabu frowns at his senpai.

"Does she like you, Shirabu senpai?" Goshiki asks.

"Of course not. We don't even talk," Shirabu answers harshly.

"Well you should talk to her! She totally likes you," Tendo teases and pats the boy's back.

"Stop it! I need to do this assignment," Shirabu says annoyed about the fact that he's being teased.

A week ago:

You groan for the hundredth time in the library attempting to do your chemistry assignment.

"Shut up, F/n! You're being annoying," Tachi says as she tries to read her book that her English teacher had assigned her. Pouting, you try to read over your notes and the problems again until you groan and lay back against your chair; your head faces the ceiling. "I'm literally leaving you. I hate English and you're making it even more difficult for me to do this! Just get one of your fan boys to do it," Tachi says while packing her stuff into her bag and getting up.

You pout, "Are you seriously leaving me?"

"Yes," She says and is already walking away as you cry to yourself and place your face in your hands.

"You can do this, F/n! You cannot fail this next chemistry test! Let's do this," You try to encourage yourself and look down at your assignment, book, and notes. After 8 minutes of trying, you sigh and groan again. "Why can't I do this? Why is this so stupid?" You say until you feel a tap on your shoulder. You look up to see a copper haired boy with bangs cut at a 50 degree angle. You try to figure out who this boy is but fail to remember; he wasn't someone who stood out.

"You're too loud," he flat out says as your eyes widen at his bluntness.

"That's ru--" But before you can finish, he interrupts you.

"Do you need help?" he points at your assignment. You frown when you realize that your chemistry assignment is still completely undone.

"I... Yes I do," You sigh and pout, "I can't seem to understand it and get the correct answers."

"I could tell. You've been making so much noise for a whole hour now," He, again, bluntly says as you feel an arrow hit your head.

"Well, I'm sorry for being so loud! I'll just leave then," You say and are about to close your book before he stops you by grabbing your hand. Your guys' faces are a few inches away from each other before he quickly pulls away.

"I can help you if you want." He blushes a bit which for some reason makes you blush at how cute he looks and at the situation that had just happened a few seconds ago.

"Are you any good?" You ask and cross your arms. He gives you an 'Are you serious? If anything, I'm probably a hundred times better than you at any subject because you haven't done even one problem yet' face. You sweat and just look down. Fiddling with your hands, you say, "Then if you don't mind... please help me."

"Okay," He just says and sits on the chair next to you and immediately starts helping you out. After an hour, you are finally finished with the assignment. Your eyes sparkle and you lift the sheet of paper to the sky as if it were some valuable item.

"I... I just did chemistry!!" You cheer and hug the paper. You hear a little, 'pft' on your left and turn to look at the copper hair boy who is giving you an amused look. "Are you laughing at me?" You frown and pout which causes him to immediately put his poker face back on.

"Well, I'll be going then L/n-san," He says and is about to get up when you grab his blazer.

"How do you know my name?" You ask realizing that this whole time he has been teaching you, you guys had never introduced yourselves.

"It's on your assignment," He plainly responds but it's a lie because of course he knew you... Everyone knew you at Shiratorizawa; you were popular because of your looks and your parents were owners of one of the most famous hotel businesses in Japan.

"O-oh... I guess so," You blush then rub your nape, "Your name." He gives you a questioning look.

"What's your name? I never got to ask you," You clarify and continue holding his blazer.

"Shirabu Kenjiro," he answers with a blank face. You guys stare at each other for a while until he decides to break it because of how awkward he feels. "Can you let go?" Your eyes widen and you immediately let go of his blazer.


"Well, bye then L/n-san," he says then turns to walk away with his bag on his shoulder.

"B-bye Shirabu-san. Thank you for helping me in chemistry! You're a lifesaver!" you say and give him a big smile which makes him blush and frown. He just nods then continues to walk away as you stare at his back. Once he's completely out of sight, you place your hand on your chest. 'Why is my heart beating so quickly?'


I— I don't want to spoil but ahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha beware of this fic lol.
this story has an EXOTIC Y/n, alright? In fact, Y/N might even act more like an OC rather than a Y/N. However, I couldn't come up with a name, so I just made this into a readerxshirabu fic. ALSO, xreader fanfics are never really accurate with Y/N anyway so take it however you like. Personally, whenever I read xoc stories, I think of myself as the main oc. So, if my Y/N doesn't fit who you are, which she 100% will not be like you lol, don't think about it too hard. Plus, it technically doesn't say "Y/N." It says "F/N" and when I write, I like to use 2nd person POV.
So yeah, just some disclaimers.
If you do choose to continue reading after all of this, I'M EXTREMELY GRATEFUL!

Thank you and bye bye! 😆💗

𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎! | 𝒔. 𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐Where stories live. Discover now