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As you are walking down the hall, like usual, all eyes are on you. You and Tachi are walking to your guys' lockers to grab your textbooks. For once, your teacher finally assigned you an assignment that involved you using your book. You already had to hold your chemistry, history, and English book; now, you had to also bring your math book.

"That sucks your math teacher is having you bring your book to class today," Tachi teases as you put your biggest books in your bag. You try to fit your history book in, but fail.

"I guess I'll have to carry these two books!" you groan as you carrying your history and English book in front of your chest.

"They don't fit in your bag?" You shake your head.

"They are too big to fit and I still have my notebooks, pencils, and bento box," you pout as you guys are now walking towards your guys' next class.

"Lucky for me, my teachers aren't using the math and history book," Tachi brags as you pout even more. While you guys are walking in the hall, Shirabu and Kawanishi are walking your guys' way. When you look up, you see them and immediately smile.

"Hi Ken-chan! Hi Taichi-kun!" you happily greet and try to wave at them but fail miserably and almost drop your books. The two boys just greet back as Tachi just nods.

"Those look a little heavy, F/n-chan," Kawanishi acknowledges. You laugh.

"It is, but it's okay. I'll manage," you say.

"If you want, I can take one of them," Kawanishi suggests.

"Are you sure Taichi-kun?"

"No worries. We both have math together, anyway." You smile at his kindness.

"If you insist then. Thank you, Taichi-kun!" Then Kawanishi takes your math book from your arms which causes you both to touch.

"It's no problem," Kawanishi says and gives a little smile back. Watching the whole scene is Shirabu who can't help but frown. Tachi notices this and smirks a bit. Unfortunately for some--COUGH, COUGH, you and Shirabu--Shirabu and Tachi had math together while you and Kawanishi were in a different math class.

"Awwwww, that's so nice of you Kawanishi-san! Do you and F/n sit next to each other in math?" Tachi asks. Kawanishi rubs his neck.

"We don't."

"Well, since you two are friends, you guys should just sit next to each other," Tachi purposely suggests. She turns to look at Shirabu's reaction which is a deeper frown.

"You're right, Kira-chan! Taichi-kun, we should just sit next to each other," you mindlessly turn to the taller boy who smiles back.

"Okay then, F/n-chan." Shirabu can't stand seeing you two talk anymore that his feet move on his own and he walks away to his math class. This leaves you three in shock.

"Ken-chan?" you call out.

"I have to go to class," is all Shirabu says in his angry voice then leaves you all behind. Tachi just chuckles which makes you give her a confused look.

"Why are you creepily laughing?" you ask as she offendly places a hand on her chest.

"I just made a new discovery! Well, I'll see you two later. Peace!" Tachi skips away, following the angry mouse. You and Kawanishi just shrug and head to class as well. When Tachi enters the classroom, she makes her way towards a pouty Shirabu. "Why'd you leave so quickly? The bell doesn't ring until another five minutes," Tachi teases. Shirabu tenses.

"I just like to get to class early," Shirabu makes up an excuse. Tachi scoffs.

"Sure, sure lover boy," Tachi says, then leans over his desk a little bit but makes sure to keep her distance. "I still don't completely trust you," Tachi says which surprises Shirabu.

"What do you mean? I don't need your trust," Shirabu scoffs. Tachi leans back.

"I don't think you're good enough for F/n," Tachi bluntly answers. Shirabu's eyes widened.

"Why would that matter?"

"Because you like he--" then the bell interrupts her. "Well, whatever. Just don't expect to get her so easily," Tachi finishes then walks to her desk in the back leaving Shirabu in confusion.

'Not good enough for F/n??? Get her??' Shirabu thinks to himself, irritated at what Tachi said to him.


After practice, like usual, you stay behind to clean and lock up the gym. Shirabu hesitantly walks up to you as you are mopping. When you feel his presence, you turn around and smile.

"Oh, Ken-chan! Did you need something?" you sweetly ask which makes his heart melt a bit but he ignores the feeling and keeps a straight face on.

"I'll be waiting for you," he plainly says as you happily nod.

"Okay! I'll try to finish as quickly as possible!" you say then continue cleaning. After you finish changing, you walk out to see Shirabu waiting like he promised.

'What did she mean I'm not good enough???'

"I'm here, Ken-chan! Let's go?" You smile. Shirabu looks up and notices that you are still carrying your two heavy textbooks.

"L-let's go," Shirabu says as you both start walking.

"Are you excited for Interhigh?" you ask as Shirabu hums. "I can't wait to see you guys play a real game!" You both have your usual conversations but Shirabu isn't really paying attention. Instead, he's thinking about if he should ask to hold your books.

'No! That'd be too bold of me to ask!' he thinks to himself. He then notices you sweating a bit while you try to adjust your arms to a more comfortable position. Once again, his body moves without him thinking and he takes both of your books from your arms.


"Just shush. It was irritating to see you struggling. You should just buy a bigger bag," Shirabu says and feels his face warming up. You just chuckle.

"Thank you, Ken-chan!" you sweetly thank which makes him turn away.


You guys are not ready for what's about to come... 🙂 I've been WAITIN' for this next moment. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...😈

Date: 7 June 2020

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