The Change

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Hey guys. Sorry for the delay but I'm very busy with my new job. So sorry for being mia. Anyways lets get started.


*Five months later*

A lot has happened in the past five months. Ansh has accepted Rithvik and Aashi's relationship and so have the others. Their engagement has been fixed and is decided to be held after Aashi completes her college. Swayyam is his usual distant self while Abhi and Ruhi have come a long way in their relation. But there has been two huge changes that no one would have thought of.

First is that the bubbly and smiling Swara had been replaced by a Swara who is always in her own thoughts. Her bonding with Rithvik had completely vanished. She rarely talks to him and answers only when he asks her something. The day when she had the panic attack has changed something in her. She has become distant and gloomy.

Everyone in the family have become worried and tried to break the shell she has formed but only got disappointed. Rithvik was the most affected with her behavior as he blamed himself.

The second thing that was shocking was the friendship blooming between Swara and Sanskar.

After the panic attack incident, Sanskar has made it his mission of bringing Swara close to him.

***Swara's pov***

That day something broke in me. I don't know why but I'm unable to forget that day. I so badly want to go back to my old self but I'm scared. Scared that I'm becoming too clingy for my family to handle. Scared that they will leave me. They won't want me. Just like Aai(mother) left me, others will also leave me. I know I'm over reacting but I can't help but think that someday all my brothers will have their own lives which will not include me. I'll just be a family member with little to no importance in their life. I don't know what but something which dada said that day made me realize that what I have is temporary. That soon I'll be replaced by their wives in their life. The way Dada blamed me that day without even listening to me made me realize that I won't always be his priority. Like his priority now has changed. Now Aashi has become his priority.

That was the day I realized that I had to save myself from the any such heartbreaks in the future. So I've started distancing myself from everyone. But someone has made their way in my life. The person whom I thought was the most irritating person in the world is the one who has become my strength now.

Yes. Sanskar. The Sanskar Maheshwari is my friend now. He came to visit me everyday after the day of my panic attack. And the first thing that started our friendship was his lame excuses to meet me. He started trying different ways to cheer me. One day that idiot, well he is an idiot, came in my room through the window and brought this huge teddy bear which is almost my size. And the cherry on the top was that he had my name on it. A cute 'Swara's teddy' was printed on a heart placed in his hand. He started spending his evenings with me. Taking me to parks, getting me ice creams and chocolates, and everything that I like.

Even though I spend time with my family but I know there is a visible tension in the air whenever we are together.

I've tried my best to not let my behavior affect my friendship with Raj and Aashi but I'm not sure if I'm doing a very good job at it. Now I'm just going to go with the flow. Whatever happens will happen.

Sorry for the short update but I'll try to update the next one asap and make it a longer. Next will be Rithvik's pov and maybe even Sanskar's.

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