Is There Some Secret???

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****In the party***

Swara was still in shock with all the happenings and all the people present there also gathered there.

Sanskar angrily holds her shoulders and starts shouting at her, "have you lost your mind or what???? Do even understand what could have happened if I had not come on time???? Do you realize it could have cost you your life dammit..." saying this he jerks her which brings her back to her senses.

In the meanwhile Shivaji, Rithvik, Swayyam and Abhimanyu also come there and gets shocked seeing Swara's dupatta lying on the floor and burning into ashes. Shivaji immediately rushes to Swara and engulfs her in his warm embrace. Abhimanyu also goes and pats her back to calm her while Rithvik goes to get water and Swayyam immediately wraps his coat around her. Sanskar tries to control his anger and quietly moves from there not wanting to hurt Swara in any way.

Rithvik comes there with water and makes her drink it and Shivaji cups her face and kisses her forehead. He signs Swayyam and Rithvik to take her with them to their house and Rithvik after understanding takes her while Swayyam was about to move towards Sanskar but Abhimanyu stops him. He leaves the place not wanting to stress Swara more.

***Sanskar's pov***

I so badly wanted to celebrate this diwali with my Jaan. But she doesn't even want to talk to me properly and cherry on the cake are my soon to be brother-in-laws who leave no stone unturned to make it difficult for me to get close to my Jaan. And specially Swayyam... But they don't know that Sanskar Maheshwari gets what he wants. And no one... I mean no one can stop me from getting it...

The only reason I arranged this party is my Jaan... And for that I had to invite my other business associates also just to show that it is one kind of a business party... I was waiting for her to show up in the dress gifted by me but it only seemed that the time had stopped.

And when she arrived there I just knew that time had stopped this time for real. She was looking so beautiful but then I see her not so handsome brothers walking beside her.

(😒😒😒😒 Really but I disagree with u Mr.Maheshwari 😡😡😡😡)

All through the party I was just watching her every move and I could also tell that she was trying to avoid me.I wonder why???

Later I saw her walking towards the pool side and she seemed to be amazed seeing the arrangements and I'm glad she liked it... After all, all this for her only. Seeing it as a chance I thought of going and talking to her but she was busy taking selfies making cute and funny faces and I stood there just adoring by baby doll when I saw the most horrifying scene in front of me... My jaan's dupatta was catching fire... My breath got hitched but she seemed to be unaware of it so I ran quickly in her direction and threw that duppata away from her... I couldn't think anything straight so I pulled her in my embrace to make sure she is safe and perfectly fine...

But then I remembered her carelessness and I just burst out on her... She was still shocked to react when I saw her father and brothers handling her, so not wanting to create any unnecessary drama I moved out from there... I couldn't think of say I didn't want to think what would have happened if I didn't see her on time...
***pov ends***

***Shivaji's pov***
After what happened today I'm more worried for my princess... She is still quite childish and careless... But after what I saw made me take a decision... The decision which I'm sure will be good for my princess.

I went towards the direction where Mr Maheshwari had gone to discuss  something really important with him.
Hope everything goes well and my princess' world would be filled with happiness.
***pov ends***

Abhimanyu comes to him and gets suspicious seeing him coming out of after meeting Sanskar, he gets suspicious and thinks to himself, "What was baba doing with Mr Maheshwari??? And why do I feel that he is upto something... I should ask him..."

Saying this he goes towards Shivaji and calls him, "Baba what's going on???"

Shivaji looks at him being confused, "Where???", he asks.

"What were you doing with Mr Maheshwari???"

Shivaji tries to avoid the question, "Nothing just went to tell him that we're leaving..."

Abhimanyu was about to ask further he is cut off by his father, "Come let's go... Princess needs rest... And inform Ansh to reach home directly..."

Saying this he walks out leaving Abhi confused. But he shrugs it off. Behind him all the guests also leave whereas Sanskar was nowhere to be seen.

Shivaji and Abhi come to the car only to find Swara sleeping on Swayyam's shoulder while he and Rithvik were humming a tune and caressing her hairs.

Both smile seeing her and get into the car and drive to their mansion. And a pair of eyes were seeing all this with a genuine smile and pain in his eyes.

( sorry no awards for guessing because he is Sanskar 😁😁😁)

Sanskar looks at the direction the car went, "Hope I get to see the same love in your eyes someday for me... And I'll make sure soon the shoulder that you will be leaning will be mine..."

***Sardeshmukh mansion***

Swayyam picks up Swara and makes her sleep on her bed and covers her with the comforter and kisses her forehead and leaves. Shivaji and Rithvik also kiss her forehead and leave from there. In the meanwhile Ansh also comes and gets to know what happened in the party. He gets worried and goes to Swara's room and sits beside her caressing her forehead.

Abhimanyu also comes there and sits on the other side of the bed. Both stay like that for a while and after a few minutes of silence Abhi tells Ansh about what he saw at the party. Ansh also starts thinking about the possibilities behind this secret meeting between his dad and Sanskar and both decide to find the truth.

***Next morning***
Swara wakes up with her ever so beautiful smile but then she remembers the previous days event.

"Why was Mr. Fevicol so angry??? Was he really concerned for me??? And why did he call me Jaan??? This person is so confusing... One moment he is rude and the other moment he is so caring... I think I have to find a book where I can get ways to understand THE GREAT SANSKAR MAHESHWARI... Oh god in all these I forgot only that today is Bhai dooj", saying this she face palms herself.


Swara does the preparations for bhai dooj, all her four brothers come down and she does their aarti and put tilak on their forehead and feed them sweets. She then ties rakshasutra on everyone's hand and they all together tie a rakshasutra in her hand. Shivaji clicks a lots of pics and Swara was gifted with lots of chocolates according to her wish.


Bhai dooj- A festival celebrated by brothers and sisters where sisters pray for the well-being of the brothers.

Rakshasutra- A sacred thread.
Guys I seriously have no idea what I have written so sorry if u don't like it... And will try to update sooner...

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