Swara Gets Well

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Hello guys. I'm back with the next part of Laadli. Hope you like it and for those who wanted swasan scenes this is specially for them.


Sanskar was standing near the door. When doctor went from there he also followed him.

"Doctor till when will she gain consciousness?", he asks him urgently.

The doctor looks at him worriedly, "that depends on how her body reacts to the medicine Mr Maheshwari. But lets hope for the best."

Sanskar nods his head in understanding and sadys,"thank you doctor."

Doctor gets shocked hearing thank you from his mouth as in all these years never Sanskar had thanked him or anyone for that matter.

He overcomes his shock and says, "No... Its... alright... I mean your welcome Mr. Maheshwari... Call me if there's any problem. However I'll be coming tomorrow morning to check on the patient."

Sanskar nods his head and the doctor leaves from there. Just then Sanskar receives call from Sujata.

"Sanskar... Is everything ok? Is Swara alright?", he heard her ask.

Sanskar sighs and answers, "no mom she is having a cold fever. The doctor has given her injection but he said that if she doesn't gain consciousness soon then we need to admit her in the hospital. I can't see her like this mom and I don't know how to help her."

Sujata sighs and says, "Sanskar I'll tell you a home remedy. Just try it may be it will work."

Sanskar's face brightens up," I'll do it mom. Just tell me what I should do."

She tells him something and Sanskar goes back to Swara's room where he finds everyone sitting near Swara with gloomy faces. Just then Shivaji sees Sanskar and goes near him while the others did not acknowledged his presence. Sanskar gestures him to come out.

Shivaji gets worried and asks, "Mr Maheshwari... Sorry I didn't know your here."

Sanskar shakes his head and says," Is alright Mr Sardeshmukh. I came as I was worried for Swara and I couldn't sit at home after knowing she is not well."

Shivaji smiles at him, "I'm glad you came."

Sanskar returns the gesture and asks," By the way Mr Sardeshmukh can I use your kitchen? Mom told me that if we mix honey in apricot juice and give it to Swara she may recover fast."

Shivaji's eyes glisten with hope, "Sure... Anything that will make my princess alright. I'll show you the kitchen.

Shivaji took Sanskar to the kitchen, there Shivaji asked the servant to prepare the medicine. They both took the bowl pf medicine to Swara's room.

Seeing Sanskar all the Sardeshmukh brothers were confused but one indication from Shivaji but no one dared to question his presence.

Sanskar carefully fed Swara and then rested her head on the pillow properly then covered her with the duvet.

Shivaji looks at him with gratitude and says, "thank you so much Mr.Maheshwari. You came as our princess' saviour."

Sanskar looks at Swara longingly and says, "No Mr Sardeshmukh, don't embarrass me by saying thank you. It was my duty."

All four brothers raise their eyebrow giving 'what-do-you-mean-by-duty' look.

Sanskar ignores them and turns towards Shivaji and says," Mr Sardeshmukh... If it is not too much to ask for can I plz stay here for tonight?", he signals him about something.

Shivaji nods his head in understanding and says, "Sure I have no issues."

He then asks Rithvik to come forward, "Rithu... Show Mr.Maheshwari the guest room and see to it that he is comfortable."

Sanskar immediately interrupts and says, "no... No... I'm alright here. It's just a matter of few hours."

Shivaji agrees and all six settle in Swara's room.


After few hours, almost everyone were sleeping. Shivaji was resting his head on the headboard while Abhimanyu had dozed on the single sofa and Ansh and Rithvik were sleeping on the couch in sitting position.

But there were two people who were wide awake or let's say sleep was far away from there eyes. They were Sanskar and Swayyam.

Swayyam could not sleep as he was blaming himself for Swara's condition and was continuously looking at her with moist eyes while on the other hand Sanskar was just wishing for her to get up. He was worried and at the same time he was admiring her serene figure which was lying so peacefully under the medicine effect.


Sanskar suddenly notices that Swara is wide awake and is looking in his direction. He smiles at her and she returns him the most beautiful smile of hers. He notices no one else but her. He immediately walks to her and takes her in a tight embrace. He cups her face and gives her a lingering kiss on her forehead. She closes her eyes and just smiles seeing him. He touches his forehead with hers and caresses her cheeks with his knuckles.

He opens his eyes and looks directly into her eyes only to find her staring at him with only one emotion in her eyes. The one which he longed to see. The one which he always wanted to see. Love... Only for him.

He smiles widely and kisses her cheeks and then the tip of her nose only to hear her melodious giggles..

Just then he feels a tap on his shoulder. He tries to avoid it but again he feels the nudge on his shoulder.


He looks in the direction and finds Rithvik standing there and shaking his shoulder. He raises his eyebrow in 'what-the-hell-is-your-problem' manner only to receive a poker face from Rithvik.

Rithvik then gestures towards Swara's bed and Sanskar follows his gaze and finds Swara awake and everyone surrounding her. He smiles and then realizes that he fell asleep and the beautiful moments were only on his dream.

Rithvik goes towards Swara and Sanskar follows him. On reaching there he finds Shivaji and Swayyam apologizing to her and all others smiling at them.

Shivaji cups her face and says, "Princess... I'm really sorry bachha."

Swayyam also holds her hand and says with guilt evident in his eyes," Cutie... I'm also sorry."

Swara smiles at them and says, "No I don't want your sorry. I just want a promise... Promise me that you both will never fight. Never again."

Shivyyam nods his head and says, "promise"

Swara then forwards her hand and asks, "Swara promise?"

Shivaji smiles, "Shivaji promise."

Swayyam also replies," Swayyam promise."

Swara smiles and opens her arms. All of them look at each other and then hug her making it a family hug.

Just then Swara's eyes land on Sanskar and he gets startled seeing her smiling at him. He thinks of something and then winks at her and gives her a flying kiss.

Swara's eyes widens and she looks down shyly. After seeing her blush Sanskar gets a mini heart attack.

So how was the update guys...

What do you think about the sudden change in Swara???

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