The Madness

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Hello guys... Hope all of you are safe and at home.

After reading the name of the chapter, what do you feel? Whose madness will be seen? Will it be Ansh, Rithvik or someone else? Comment inline and let me know.

Next day when the entire Sardeshmukh mansion was happy, Rithvik and Swara were faking smiles in front of the family.

Swara was looking at Rithvik time to time and in return he just gave her a small smile and walked out of the hall excusing himself.

Shivaji looks at his retreating figure and asks Swara about it but she brushes it off.

"Nothing baba, he has an assignment to submit so he is in a hurry. Don't worry, I'll go now as I'm also late for my class."

Shivaji nods his head and goes back to discussing the engagement preparations with Abhi and Ansh.

Swayyam looks at Swara suspiciously and thinks to ask her later about it.

Here Rithvik sits in the car and looks at the windshield. Swara gets into the car and looks at him staring intensely at the windshield. When he places her hand on his shoulder he looks at he startled.

Swara is shocked to see tears in his eyes and pulls him in a hug. Both stay silent just comforting each other. After sometime Rithvik pulls away and starts driving to the college.

Both reach college where Aashi and Raj are already waiting for them outside the campus. Seeing Aashi, Rithvik immediately bids Swara and leaves to his class without sparing a glance at Aashi.

Aashi is dumbstruck seeing his cold behavior.

"Swara what happened? Why is he behaving like this? Did I do something, but I didn't even talk to him after we met. Then what happened?" Aashi asks her being panicked.

Swara cups her cheeks and asks her to calm down.

"Aashi, dada is ok. And you didn't do anything at all. He is just stressed about something else, so quit worrying and come let's go to our class," saying this she takes her to the class.

Meanwhile Raj who was till now a silent spectator asks Swara about it through gestures but she tells him that she will tell him later.

Sanskar reaches his office and there he finds his assistant Purav waiting for him with his schedule.

"Good morning sir," Purav said.

Sanskar just nods his head and asks for his schedule.

"What's my schedule for the day Purav?"

"Sir you have two meetings today. One with the Jodhpur client and one with the sales department. Then you have to go for the site review."

Sanskar nods his head and gestures him to leave. After Purav leaves his office, Sanskar opens his drawer and picks up a photo frame and looks at the person in it who happens to be Swara.

"Be ready Jaan, today you are going to get a surprise from me. After this I hope you will be keeping your distance from that Raj. I don't like you getting close to anyone who is not me. But you don't understand that and I can't confront you about it, then you will go more far away from me and I can't let that happen ever. But for now I need to win your father's trust, so that he can agree for our marriage. But first I need to get my Ru married."

He looks at the photo with some different glint in his eyes. But as soon as there was a knock on the door he changed back to his normal self.

He asks the person to enter and it was Purav who came to call him for the meeting.

Sanskar simply nods and starts moving towards the conference room.

Raj was returning to his house on his bike after the college when a truck suddenly appeared in front of him from the opposite side, giving him no time to react and crashes into him, sending him flying to the side of the road.

People start gathering around him and the truck zooms past them. An ambulance is immediately called and Raj is rushed to the hospital.
The truck driver reaches a godown type place and calls someone.

"Sir, your work is done!"
This is a short update but I didn't want to break the suspense so this is it. I'll try to post asap.... Love you guys 😘😘

Any guesses??? Who is the person???

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