Swayyam's love story (2)

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Hey guys... I'm back with the next part of Laadli... Hope you enjoy it.


***Flashback continues***

Swayyam was going home after his classes for the day when he saw Sweksha goofing around with some boys and girls. He is immediately reminded of the morning incident.

"Does this girl have nothing better to do? Always goofing around. I think I've seen her a few times roaming around the campus. Anyways what does it have to do with me. My Cutie must be waiting for me. I should get going," saying this he leaves the campus in his car which was his birthday gift from his Baba.

Sweksha who was also observing him secretly, turns around and gives a naughty smile in the direction which he zoomed off. One thing for which Sweksha was famous in the campus was for doing things she is forbidden to do. But she is still adored by everyone in campus because she never crosses her limits nor she hurts anyone. She does things in her own unique way making it difficult for anyone to hate her.

But the teachers are a different story. Though they love her but Sweksha's naughtiness has always kept them on their toes.

Sweksha was from an influential family where her father was a politician and her mother was no more which made her a lonely child. Her father loved her to bits but his reputation was more important to him than her. He didn't have time for her and this made her do things that she did to keep herself happy and sane. She found happiness in making friends and enjoying with them.

And now that Smriti had told her about Swayyam, she was more interested in him. She was way too eager to know what kind of a person was Swayyam to have the title of the ice Prince.


Next day Sweksha was earlier than her usual timing and was waiting at the gate. She kept looking at her watch and then at the entrance. Slowly students started filling in and Sweksha's patience was running out.

"What the hell is this? I'm waiting for so long and that I've Prince is still not here. I even sacrificed my precious sleep to get here early but that person didn't even show up."

She stomped away to her class in annoyance.

Time flew by and Sweksha was in a better mood now and had forgotten about the morning eating lunch with her friends in the cafeteria when she saw Swayyam in the queue. She turned around and saw that almost everyone was staring at him in shock. She turned to Smriti and even she was looking at him. She nudged Smriti and raised her eyebrows in question.

"It's a world known fact that Swayyam Sardeshmukh never enters the college cafeteria. It's like the first time he is seen here."

Sweksha nods her head and keeps her eyes trained on him. She looks at him and finds him taking a plate filled with the cafeteria's food and a plate with burger and fries. He moves towards the end of the cafeteria and everyone gasps to find a pretty teenager smiling at him. But when he smiles back at her, murmurs erupt.

Swayyam was well aware of all the stares but he ignored them. But when he saw everyone staring at his little sister and the murmuring increased, he turns back and looks at everyone with his sharpest glare which was enough to shut everyone up.

Sweksha was very curious to find relationship between the two as the teenager looked like she had him wrapped around her little finger. But what caught her attention was that the usual cold looking person who was called the ice Prince didn't exist at all. All she could see was a normal person enjoying his lunch.

Swayyam was enjoying Swara's blabbering about her school function which ended an hour ago and he was the one to attend it and pick her up with Rithvik. Rithvik had gone with his friends to watch movie while Swara wanted to come with Swayyam to his college saying she wanted to eat their cafeteria's food. Though he declined but her famous puppy eyes had forced him to bring her along. And now here they were with Swara munching happily on her burger while Swayyam tried to feed her some vegetables in between. Swara suddenly realised that there whole cafeteria was dead silent and only she was talking while the rest were looking at them as if they were some aliens. She became embarrassed and put her head down trying to hide her red cheeks. Swayyam looked at her in confusion and then at the people making her uncomfortable.

"Got nothing better to do? Quit staring and get back to whatever you were doing!!" His loud voice resonated in the cafeteria making everyone scared of him and they immediately got back to concentrating on their own food.

Sweksha was looking at everything very keenly and feeling eyes on him, Rithvik turned in the direction only to find the goofy girl staring at him without even being discreet. He narrows his eyes to her to which she winks at him leaving him flabbergasted. He immediately turns around with a flushed face making Sweksha giggle.

"It's going to be a lot of fun. I should actually get a bravery award for making the ice Prince flushed. Go for it Sweksha," she patted herself mentally while thinking.

Smriti nudged her to bring her out of her dreamland. Sweksha smiled at her and continued eating her food. Swayyam and Swara finished their food and after showing Swara around the campus, Swayyam took her home as he didn't have any afternoon classes. It was basically a holiday for him. Swara was happy to spend the day with her brother but she didn't miss the weird looks there girls at his college were giving her.


Who do you think will be the one to propose first? Sweksha or Swayyam?

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