Part 185

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Panchali sat on the bench at the entrance of the garden as the charioteer has to come back after dropping Satya and Krishna. Arjun held Pragati on his shoulder and started walking this way and that way. Panchali took the baby and carefully placed her in her lap.Arjun asked. Enjoyed the programme?
Panchali looked at him and admitted. So much. It was great. But you don't seem like you enjoyed that much. And I guess you must have tried to stop the Natak. And may I ask you why do you feel tensed up if any reference is done about Swayamvara .
Arjun kept silent. Panchali repeated. Why are you embarassed? Scared of your Eldest still? Arjun looked at her sharply. If Eldest is here I would have stopped the Play. Panchali's face turned red. Why can't you and your Elldest digest the fact? The Swayamvara is the ultimate reality of your life my life and his life.
Don't take it casual Krishnaa, he will be embarassed on seeing such facts,
Panchali expressed frustration. Ridiculous. To say the least. He decided our life's most important event and he himself feels embarassed? Let him be. But I thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Arjun smiled and asked. What did you enjoy? Panchali laughed and said. Your desciple Satyaki's attempts to mimic you. Quite interesting. But I shall say he failed.
Arjun wondered Why do you say so!
Panchali replied. It is  impossible to recreate that moment  and that archer. She closed her eyes and reminisced. Her imagination could very well see the tall lanky Brahmin with curly hair and hazel eyes approaching the bow, throwing an admiring glance at her before stringing the bow.
Arjun sat beside her and teased. Dreaming of me despite having me before?
Panchali opened her eyes and a slight blush crept into her cheeks making her face more beautiful.
Arjun moved closer and kissed her eyes . These lotus eyes never betray me but make every feel of you crystal clear .
As he moved downwards Panchali tried to prevent him.Pragati will wake up. Arjun closed her lips and pulled her closer. Panchali felt his desire in his touch. Before she could stop him Arjun took Pragati from her lap and started walking inside the rest house chamber with his another hand circling Panchali's shoulders.
As they reached inside Arjun placed Pragati on the small couch and lifted Panchali. Krishnaa tried to stop him. You know Arjun you look like making Gandhari Mata's word true.
Arjun placed her on the spacious couch and advanced his worship of her beauty. She told me also. To have another baby a sister for Pragati . I seriously contemplate over her suggestion .
Panchali understood he won't listen to her pretexts. Arjun stammered in his husky voice. You look so beautiful in green in the morning and in halfwhite now. Even if I make love to you umpteen times my whole soul and body yearn for you He hugged her closer almost making her breathless. His passion brought tears in her eyes not of pain but of immense love...
Satya  questioned Draupadi at the breakfast next day. When did you return at nite? You look too tired. I hope you spent quality time with Arjun. She added in a teasing voice. Panchali blushed profusely and smiled in return.

Chitra whispered in Ulupi's ear. Last nite who stayed back with Arya Arjun? Govind is there till the end? Babhru is irritated and sleepy so I asked you to get into the first chariot. Ulupi smiled at her curiosity. Why do you bother now? You should have. Stayed till the end.
Chitra is frustrated. How I want to stay with Arya in the moonlit night. I lost the opportunity.
A little away from them, Alli also is bothered to know who stayed back. I got Giddyness because of staying awake all through the day. So when Arjun asked me whether I would like to go I said yes. I came back with you. But who stayed with him till the end? Govind?
Rekha said. I almost decided to stay back but Arya Arjun asked me to be with you. Did Subhadra stay with him? How could we know?
Just then Subhadra came to the dining hall. As she passed by them Rekha greeted her and asked. How is Abhi? He was so active all through the day. He must be tired Did he sleep on the way? Subhadra thanked them for their concern and said. Really he was over active yesterday. He watched the drama full.Then on seeing his Satyaki mama jumped into his chariot. I immediately  started in another with Rukmini BhahiAbhi slept in the chariot itself.
Rekha and Alli looked at each other in confusion. They saw Arya with Puja Thali. Alli went forward and started. Sorry Arya Didi.We should have come with you yesterday  But suddenly I felt Giddiness So I returned earlier with Rekha.
Arya smiled. Don't  bother. I came with Bhanumati Didi immediately after you both left.

Alli came back disappointed. So who is there till the end? That moment she saw Satya engaged in conversation with Panchali. Alli suddenly wondered. Is it Panchali who is with Arjun! Krishna's queens also left early. But Satya is there till the end. Chitra also deliberated in the same way as Alli.
She approached Satya and praised her. Satya Devi, I heard so much about your energy levels. But yesterday I watched it before my eyes. Truly you worked hard to entertain every one.
Alli intervened and said. Princess Chitrangada 's words are hundred percent correct.Satya Devi you are awesome. But see we all left you in the end and jumped into the chariots.
Chitra continued. Really. We all know Arya Arjun won't leave Govind at must have comeback with Devi Panchali. Alli and Rekha are all ears to listen to Satya's reply. Ulupi whose instinct made her see the truth could not control her smile. She knew who is that nearer to Arjun's heart. Half through her mystic powers and half through her keen observation.
Satyabhama proudly replied much to the envy of her cowives except Rukmini and much to the heart break of Arjun's wives who are eagerly waiting for her reply. 'Your concern is too much. Thank you very much. But I came back with my swami safely and peacefully.
Satya then approached Arjun who entered with Krishna just then.Arjun,See how I took away Swami with me last nite. You must have felt lost. Or Shall I say you enjoyed the moonlit nite with your daughter?
Arjun's face flushed. Krishna as usual smiled at Satya's mischevous taunt.
Satya understood Arjun's embarrassment and enjoyed. Kunti who listened to Satya's banter had a worried expression.Phalgun,you kept Bahu and Pragati till last? How uncomfortable it is for her? She is with small baby. You should have sent her first.
Krishna interfered and pacified her. Bua, Pragati slept so much.And she is awake when they returned back.She is in a playful mood.babies play more at nite no?
Arjun looked at his Madhav with confusion. How does he know that Pragati woke up and played  when  they are on their way back? As usual he wished to question him but Bheem called him urgently to enquire if the guest list is ready so that he has to look after the food arrangements for Rajasuya.
Malini brought Pragati from Panchali and gave her to Kunti to divert her attention.But still Draupadi felt the scanning gaze of her mother in law fixed on her.  She  moved on the pretext of looking after lunch arrangements. Panchali's cowives stared at her ravishingly beautiful form move inside with her beautiful long plait hanging down her hips tilting in rhythm with the sound of her Payal.Krishna's wives except Rukmini felt irritated at Satya's open confession that she is back with Krishna.

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