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Duryodhan is fuming at  the spies who brought   Information about Bhanumati's choice. He blamed them for providing  un authentic information as per their own will. "What proof do you have. He shouted at them"
. One of the spies  tried to explain. "Yuvraj, we dared to say the truth which we collected with great difficulty. One of us took the garb of a maid and entered Antahpur of the princess that is Kunti mata's sakhi Priyamvada's nephew. Here he is. "Priyamvadha'snephew  admitted boldly. "Yes, Yuvraj I managed to enter inside with those who are decorating her chamber. Luckily no one recognised that I am a man. I saw four portraits of Kumar Arjun hanging in her chamber. The other maids are discussing the possibility of Kumar attending the swayamvar. One of them revealed that the princess is desperately waiting for him. "Karn sent the spies away and assured Duryodhan. "Don't get depressed. He is not coming to kaling.We will deal with the situation. Let us abduct her to be on the safe side.  "
Duryodhan nodded his head in approval.      After the night meal, Arjun discussed strategy of his forthcoming battle with Pitamah and Guru Dron. The Kamarpa king  who is at the foot of the mountain ranges made truce with  the leader of demons and  submitted himself to their power. He regularly gives them ransom in the form of food materials and valuable  gems they get from the rich mines. Occasionally yakshas will come to exercise their power out of their fancy and extract whatever they want that includes beautiful girls.

Duryodhan is fuming at  the spies who brought   Information about Bhanumati's choice. He blamed them for providing  un authentic information as per their own will. What proof do you have. He shouted at them. One of the spies  tried to explain. Yuvraj, we dared to say the truth which we collected with great difficulty. One of us took the garb of a maid and entered Antahpur of the princess that is Kunti mata's sakhi Priyamvada's nephew. Here he is. Priyamvadha'snephew  admitted boldly. Yes, Yuvraj I managed to enter inside with those who are decorating her chamber. Luckily no one recognised that I am a man. I saw four portraits of Kumar Arjun hanging in her chamber. The other maids are discussing the possibility of Kumar attending the swayamvar. One of them revealed that the princess is desperately waiting for him.   Karn sent the spies away and assured Duryodhan. Don't get depressed. He is not coming to kasi. We will deal with the situation. Let us abduct her to be on the safe side.  Duryodhan nodded his head in approval.      After the night meal, Arjun discussed strategy of his forthcoming battle with Pitamah and Guru Dron. The Kamarpa king  who is at the foot of the mountain ranges made truce with  the leader of demons and  submitted himself to their power. He regularly gives them ransom in the form of food materials and valuable  gems they get from the rich mines. Occasionally yakshas will come to exercise their power out of their fancy and extract whatever they want.that includes beautiful girls.
Guru Dron gave necessary tips to Arjun. I know you never wish to use Astras and depend upon your archery skill only. But sometimes you should take resort to Astras if not the superior ones but of  a lower level. You are against illusions and mystic powers. Keep that in mind. "
Grand father said "I wish I would be able to accompany you, as a spectator not as a  warrior. I already missed your Fish Target feat". Arjun smiled. "Get the Fish Target made here. After I return I will hit it before you. " he assured.
Guru Dron taunted Arjun. "I heard your Father in law kept it as it is for display. Let us go there and do it for your grandfather. By the way I hear Drupad is obsessed with you and leaves his daughter behind in loving you. "
Arjun blushed and  Bhishm  laughed heartily. "We have another competitor in him as per loving Arjun is concerned. GuruDron joined him as an embarrassed Arjun looked on.
Draupadi stood at her window looking into the garden. Ever since she heard about Bhanumati's choice of Arjun she felt a  pang in her heart and her unrest increased thinking about her husband's War Expedition, Why should they fix it in such a short while? They can let him relax a bit, and...Draupadi relented. No she should not be an obstruction in his path. He is born to accomplish greater purpose as Govind always said. With heart and soul she should send him off with a smile on her face. Priyamvada came inside and called her. "Princess, Maharani is waiting for you. Come along. Draupadi is  surprised. At this time of hour,Gandhari should go to sleep. Why she called her?  She followed Priyamvada and came across Gandhari who is waiting in the corridor of her chamber. She placed Her hand on Draupadi's shoulder and said. "Arjun is waiting for you in the inner garden. Go and spend sometime with him. Your mother in law is with him. "Draupadi could not believe what she heard.
At this time of night, how can she? Gandhari drew her nearer and whispered ." tell him at any cost I want Duryodhan to get Bhanumati as his wife. I want you to tell Arjun. Even if he by chance is pressurised to take the princess, he should not do so.. Gandhari said. "I know Arjun is least bothered about all this ax he is pre occupied with his war preparations. Still if he gets any kind of pressure from bride's side he should restrain himself. Duryodhan desparately loves Bhanumati. Let her be my daughter in law. And you  leave your inhibitions and be happy.  "
Draupadi 's heartbeat increased. She does'nt want to go before Arjun in her present state which is so disturbed but she has no option. As she reached the highly guarded garden of Kurus with Priyamvada she saw Kunti and Arjun on the spacious and wide jhoola  covered with flowers. Kunti got up and told Draupadi. "Gandhari Didi wanted you to be with Arjun as he may have to go again. "She made her sit beside Arjun and said. "Make it sure that after coming back he won't leave us and go for a long time. "
Priyamvada told Arjun. "Kumar, I will wait at the entrance ". She indicated that she will wait till  Draupadi comes after spending time with Arjun. Kunti left with Priyamvada.
Draupadi is confused. How could she open the topic of Bhanumati  and tell Gandhari's wish?Arjun realised  that  She is seriously thinking of something.He raised her face to him and looking into her eyes complained. "I am here,still you are in your own world? Is this your way of punishing me for leaving you again? "Draupadi placed her hand on his lips". I am not angry with you for going away."Arjun looked at her with disbelief.
Draupadi said with an endearing smile. "Who will not desire the glory of being the wife of the best  yodha ever?I know you never rest on your past triumphs and go on reinventing yourself. "
Arjun smiled at her. "Really? I can't believe it. Or is this a pretense to keep me away from your thoughts,that occupied your mind now,"He questioned her searching her Eyes deeply .
She said under her breath"Too clever. "
He laughed and said "Try your best but your eyes will expose your self. "Draupadi looked up and asked. "So what  do my eyes display? "Arjun instantly answered "my image. "Draupadi closed her eyes and  blamed them. Why are you so transparent before him? Arjun looked at her mesmerising beauty and lost himself completely.

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