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You know Krishnaa, When I was in Gokul, I prevented my father and the people of Vraja from worshipping Indra. I made them worship the Govardhan mountain. Indra got angry and for seven days he troubled the Braja Bhumi with thunder showers from samvartaka clouds.
I lifted the mountain and gave shelter to people, and cattle. Indra relented and stopped the rain. He came to me and begged pardon. He then asked me a favour . "Stand by my son. My son by Kunti."
I told him I will, if I find him worthy enough. Draupadi cheekily asked. "And how did you find him worthy?. "
Because he is the most loved husband of the loveliest woman on this earth."Krishna mischievously remarked.
Draupadi feigned anger and sulked." If you don't want to tell me fine. Don't drag me into it. "
Krishna cajoled her ". The fire born spits fire. Now would you mind listening to your husband's glory?or otherwise.
krishna stopped and saw her all attention,waiting for him to open up." You know Krishnaa, when I first saw him in the swayamvar mandap, I thought I am having my replica before my eyes. I felt I am looking into my mirror image. I then saw his confidence levels when he approached the fish target. Well I was also impressed by a tinge of detachment that reflected in his eyes.
When I embraced him in the potter's hut I felt I am meeting my long lost friend . We spoke very little on that day but it was like we were starting the conversation from where we left it in the past. You know my sense of humour,which is weird sometimes,Parth also has the same sense of humour with a bit of sarcasm.
Above all I am too impressed by his humility that really compliments his valour. Imagine . Krishnaa he had hit the fish target. The most impossible feat of archery. But he never brags,about it,he just moves on after accomplishing such a difficult feat. Who will be able to exhibit such detachment?
Finally I was spell bound by the superb self control displayed by him when his Eldest decided to share you among all the five. Who will be ready to forego his wife won by performing such extraordinary feat?
That I consider as the ultimate sacrifice. You know Krishnaa every one enjoys my company but I desire to be with Parth every moment,if possible...
Draupadi looked at him wonder struck. Long live the friendship of two equals and two friends. It will be a celebration of humanity, understanding and enjoyment. She wished.
Krishna teased her before he left. "Don't ever compete with me in loving Parth. You will come a close second only. "

After Krishna left,  Drupad made arrangements for their Hastinapur visit. He readied many elephants, horses, Warriors,  chariots. He wanted Duryodhan and his father realise the support Pandavas had from him. He wanted them to realise that even if they don't offer their Kingdom, there is no problem for them. Panchal will welcome them back.
Kunti took the decision that after her sons settle in their  own kingdom then they will start their conjugal life with Draupadi. Her decision gave so much relief to Draupadi as she is not mentally fit yet to carry on her difficult task of moulding herself as the wife of five.
  The night before their journey Drupad called Arjun to his personal chamber. Arjun got apprehensive. Why did his father inlaw call him alone?What would he say? He went to meet him hesitatingly.
In the corridor he saw Krishnaa coming out of Drupad's chamber. He questioned her "Why did he call me Krishnaa, surely you must have known it.
Draupadi looked into his anxious eyes. How do I know? He did't tell me anything. "She is amused on seeing his expression. She has a slight smile on the corner of her lip.
Arjun caught her hand and stopped her from going. I am sure you know the matter. "Draupadi teased him. "Yes I know.But why should I tell?
Arjun understood her playful mood. His face became stubborn and Draupadi saw the familiar naughty tinge in his eyes. "Fine. You will stay here with me till you  answer my question. "
Draupadi wanted to move away but Arjun grabbed her by her shoulder and in that process drew her closer. Draupadi's face flushed in red colour and she understood  , she can't escape. She knew her father called him to spend some valuable time with him as he already started missing his dearest  son in law.
  Arjun observed her expressions and enjoyed much. He happily inhaled her natural fragrance and the most familiar fragrance of jasmines in her hair. It is one of the rarest and unguarded moment that made him forget the rules and codes. He pressed his fore finger on her lower lip and said in his husky voice. " I am waiting for your reply. "

The Fateful Evening Part lOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant