Part 127

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Kunti asked Yudhishtir to send messengers to Hastinapur the news of Draupadi 's pregnancy. She wanted Gandhari to know that her daughter in law is going to give birth to Arjun's son .

The king was surprised. Why are you so particular? We informed Hastinapur only after the birth of our sons he said. Kunti revealed the reason. Eldest,Gandhari Didi blamed me for sharing Draupadi among all of you. She said I did injustice to both Arjun and Draupadi. On top of it Arjun went on pilgrimage and she got angry. Now she would understand no injustice had been done. Both of them will have their child as well.i want to proved her that my decision is right. Every one of you are happy including Draupadi.She continued. I will now invite her to Indraprasth. I hope she will come and stay for some time.
Yudhishthir sent the message as she wanted. The much awaited reply came from Gandhari.
Kunti,  my blessings to you. I am thankful to you for sending the good news to me. I am flying high with happiness. Finally my bahu is going to be the mother of Arjun's child. You graced them a tiny piece of fulfilment of their love. They deserve more. I heard that you accepted my suggestion and granted them three years of togetherness. Good for you. At least you will redeem yourself to some extent. Ask Arjun to take break from his war expeditions and take care of his wife. Immensely pleased at the way he saved the citizens of Indraprasth and Hastinapur  from Vidyadharas. My love and blessings will always be  with him. I will definitely come over there to see Arjun's son. With blessings,Gandhari.   

Kunti read the patr and sighed. It is not easy to change her mind. She thought.
Draupadi is now seven months pregnant and Krishna finally reached Indraprasth  after settling matters at Dwaraka. Every one is elated to see Govind after a long spell. He hugged Arjun and teased him.  Now understood what the good news is?
Arjun smiled. You will always talk in riddles. Even after this long association I am unable to gauze the inner meaning of your words. Krishna retorted. Don't worry. You will learn one day. Krishna met Yudhishthira and privately discussed the issue of Rajasuya.If Maharaj Pandu insisted on doing Rajasuya it should be done. Any way I heard that Devine sage Narad will come here to deliver your father's message to you. Let us wait for him.
Yudhishthir agreed with relief.
Krishna felt joyous having Abhi in his arms. I missed you a lot. He told the little boy. Subhadra was miffed. Now you pushed me back it seems. Already my husband occupied your heart and enjoy your  love to the maximum. Now Abhi. Where will your sister stand?
Krishna laughed. You are jealous of your own husband and child? Subhadra, they are inseparable with you. Because of you I love them both. He winked at Arjun who laughingly asked. O really,Madhav?                 
Krishna then visited the queen who is looking more beautiful in her pregnancy. He asked her with a smile.Now you won't blame your fate I think.What more do you want? You  won his love. He is besotted with you. You are having the ultimate joy of your life . Your son is arriving.
Draupadi sighed . Govind. Your words are true but human mind always wants more. There was a time when I lost hope of our coming together that is when he married again and again. Now as I beam with explicit happiness in his companionship I desire it to last forever. But it won't. Each day after getting up I will count my days of happiness. I feel disturbed,I feel angry with him and I feel angry with you also for not interfering.
Krishna smiled his Devine smile. Enjoy life as it comes. Don't worry about tomorrow. That will help.
Well said Madhav. I am tired of telling her the same thing again and again.i feel happy at least if she listen to you. Arjun said meaningfully..
He then turned towards Draupadi and asked. How is my son today? In good mood like me or in bad mood like his mother? Panchali  sulked And Krishna laughed!

That night Draupadi asked him.So you reconciled to having a son and not a daughter? Arjun seriously explained. I obliged. But the reason is I want my daughter to have an elder brother. You know why? She will be extraordinarily beautiful like you so she needs her brother's protection.As soon as our son is born, I will make sure she will be on the way.Panchali smiled and blushed.
What if again a son is born? She asked him playfully. I will try till I get a daughter . I will ask Mata to keep you with me till my daughter is born. She will not say no if I ask.
Panchali rested her head on his heart. Then I will pray not to let a daughter born at all. She looked into his eyes. There are tears in her eyes. Arjun kissed on her eyes. Krishnaa don't get disturbed always thinking about separation. It will not be good for our son.Think that there must be a Devine purpose involved in making us suffer. If our sacrifice is for the benefit of mankind then we will fulfill our lives. Just forget about that and enjoy our togetherness.

Panchali fired at him. What benefit did you see Arjun for our sacrifice?I don't find any such thing. Arjun replied with calm face. Indraprasth would'nt have got such a great queen had she married me alone.
Panchali stared at him. Her face became lifeless. She could'nt stand properly on her feet. She was shattered. She just collapsed on her couch taking the support of the pillows. Arjun is bewildered.He tried to caress her but Panchali did not allow him to do so.Arjun repented hurting her. Krishnaa,I did'nt mean to hurt you . Forgive me if I hurt you . But please don't misunderstand my intention. He pleaded with her.
Panchali looked straight into his hazel eyes full of apprehension and regret. "Arjun,what do you think of me,I want to know. Just because I showed interest in administration and Finance you came to the conclusion that I am enjoying being the queen of Indraprasth? How nicely you understood your krishnaa? Don't you know Arjun why I keep myself busy doing all these things?Today you said indirectly that being the queen of Indraprasth is more benefittable for me rather than being the wife of third Pandav
. Arjun tried to prevent her. Krishnaa please try to understand. I did'nt mean it.
Draupadi is firm. Please Arjun.once for all I want to clarify my self. I never thought the day will come when I have to prove my love for you. It is your mother,your Eldest who carved my future. Not me. I was born from fire due to my father's wish to offer me as your wife to you. I was always aware of my father's desire. The purpose of my birth is for your sake. Not to rule a kingdom,be an empress and enjoy the power. You are my destiny. I would have been immensely satisfied if I was allowed to lead my life like Subhadra happily enjoying her life with you ,away from public glare and attention. I will be grateful if you understand my truth...Panchali gasped.  She was Exhausted with tension.she closed her eyes . Tears rolled down her cheeks.
Arjun blamed himself for exherting her in such a state. What he said casually made her that tensed up and it is not good for her and for the child.
Arjun kneeled before her placed her hands on his head and said in a shivering tone. You always forgave my lapses,you loved me as no one else does. I beg pardon. I said purely in praise of your talent and efficiency .I never think that you would prefer being the queen rather than my wife. Please take it away from your heart if I sounded that way. I swear on our child I never nourished any kind of disbelief regarding your love for me.
Arjun stood up and took her face in his hands. Krishnaa my pain of separation from you is not less than yours. I can not expose it as you do because  I need to be loyal to my brother. That is the reason why I always want to avoid thinking of that forthcoming separation.
Panchali looked up . His eyes are painful and regretful. She rounded up his waist with her hands and said. Even if I want to be ruthful your son is not allowing me to. He is kicking me changing his place and moving restless.what can I do?Arjun smiled and kissed on her waist. Thank you my son for making your mother forgive me.I promise I won't hurt her further. Krishnaa sighed with relief..

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