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You are also Krishna " Parth's Madhav Stated firmly looking deeply into his eyes.
Arjun  asked  "What do you mean by that statement ?  Yes,Maata calls me so because I am dark. Madri maata Used to call me so as she finds the name exactly define my appearance.  My father used  to call me Krishna.More than that I don't see any significance to that.
Both the friends are walking tn the garden after coming back from dinner. 
You will know it when  the time comes. Remember one thing. Our association traces back to ages unknown. Krishna stated firmly.
Arjun looked confused."Madhav, sometimes you talk in puzzles. I can't understand at all. Any way I will come with you to Dwaraka. I don't want to go to Hastinapur. "He looked dejected.
Krishna turned his face to himself and asked."Is that the reason or you want to move away from krishnaa?  Tell me frankly.  "Arjun answered firmly. "Yes,I want to move far away from her. I can't see her disappointed,frustrated face .Did you see her face when Kakasri is telling about  Malava  princess? That lost expression is haunting me Madhav. I can't bear the intensity of her love. I am not worthy of it. 
Arjun placed his head on krishna's shoulder  .  Krishna smoothened his hair and said in a soft tone. "Parth, compose yourself. You will come to Dwaraka,certainly.But not now. At a proper moment, you will come there and I will keep ready my most cherished one for you as a present.  Now don't run from krishnaa. Her heart will be broken. Do give solace to  her with a small praise, a genuinely loving touch, a moment to remember.  That will make her face the hardest trials of her life. "
Arjun hugged him tightly like a small child  hugging his mother. "Krishnaa is your responsibility more than any one else.  Krishna's words pierced through darkness and Arjun stared into his eyes,trying to absorb his inner meaning.

The dawn  that imparts knowledge, energy, activity ,that welcomes the sun god Sees the greatest archer of Aryavarth practice  archery, memorise the mantras associated with astras  and it is a visual treat to the eyes of his father in law, Dhrisht, Satyaki, yudhamanyu, Uttamaujas and the list  goes on.
Arjun never likes to get disturbed  when he practices archery. He will forget his surroundings till he is satisfied by his daily ordeal. He proceeds to the temple of Uma maheswar after the practice mainly accompanied  by krishna.
Not that day as his Madhav is busy with the final round of talks with Vidur, yudhishtir, Bheem and Drupad. Arjun was also called by them but he refused as he thought  his Eldest will definitely make them accept Jyesht Pitasri 's invitation.  So all these discussions are sheer waste of time. He knew it. As he stepped into the main temple, he saw Kunti and Draupadi offering flowers and fruits to shiv shakti.  Kunti observed him and felt happy. As that day happens to  have Ardra nakshatr that is  said to  be that of Lord Siva, she wanted any of her sons along with Draupadi to attend the pooja. To her dismay her Elder sons are busy with talks and the youngest ones have gone to visit Drupada's stables.  She did't call Arjun as she knows that he will never skip his daily practice.   But Arjun came just in time when the priest is  pronouncing the sankalpa. Kunti made him stand with Draupadi  and started praying for the good future of her sons. Draupadi could not believe her eyes. The man who became the cause of  her sleepless night is innocently standing with her.  His face is pious,beautiful and what not? She controlled her emotions and prayed for the prosperity of Pandavas. She pleaded with the goddess to give her strength  in following the path of dharma.
The pooja was finished. They were blessed in accordance and given prasad. Kunti looked at Draupadi who is shining like the twilight in her orange red attire. With red bindi on her fore head she is like the incarnation of Lalita Bhavani.And her son ,as he came just from practice the mantras he recited made his face glow with lustre that illuminated his whole presence. Kunti called him. "Phalgun,accompany the princess to the Royal feast Hall. I will join later after  my special pooja to goddess.  "
Arjun nodded in ascent  and both of them touched her feet.                                                      
The couple silently walked ,Arjun with a faster gait and Draupadi lagging behind.  Draupadi could not maintain his pace and decided to walk at her own pace.  Arjun looked behind and stopped. He observed her eyes which are reddish and revealed her sleepless night.  "Why did'nt you both come in Palki? It is still distant,the mandir. "Arjun said with concern.
Draupadi  said with detachment. "Mother wanted to come by foot. She does' nt want even the maids to accompany. If you have important work you can go fast. I will come on my own. "
Arjun was hurt,looking at her expressionless face . Just then she lost her balance as a very big rock came in her way. Arjun caught her with one arm and removed the rock with another arm. Draupadi's right foot got hurt in that process. She remembered  that the same tender part came across a thorn on her way to the temple. Since Kunti is with her without making a fuss she proceeded to the temple. Now she saw her delicate skin pierced and blood coming out of it.Arjun saw that and  scolded her for walking despite her bleeding foot. Draupadi tried to throw his hand away from touching her foot.  "I can manage. Don't  touch it. " she objected.
Arjun looked at her sharply and lifted her up with ease and started carrying her to the shelter shade a little away from the temple main route.   The shelter shades were built to enable devotees take rest  when they visit the temple.  As it is early hours and the temple is mostly meant for royal people,no one is there in the shelter house .
The small pool of water adjacent to it and a very big sitting bench with so many creepers and flower plants made it look picturesque .
Arjun admired the ambience . He placed her on the bench and tried to take her foot in his hand.  Draupadi turned her face away and covered her foot with the edge of her lehenga "I told you not to touch no?  "She shouted at him.
She knows how besotted her whole being, is towards her Arjun. Even after hating him through out the night she felt the thrill of being in his arms,how shameless she is ,she grumbled under her breath.
And who is going to listen to you? Ask mother if Arjun wants to do something,nobody can stop. That includes Krishnaa also.  "He said with attitude.

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