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The gifts brought by Balaram and Krishna made the whole of Indraprasth wonderstruck. Krishna presented Subhadra and Arjun precious diamonds.Balaram offered one thousand mighty elephants, ten thousand best horses,one thousand golden chariots ,Sindhu kambhoja horses in thousands ,lakhs  of cows, lakhs of soldiers ...the list is endless. Krishna presented the other Pandavas also valuable garments and diamonds. On behalf of Devaki ,Revati,Balarama's wife presented Kunti and Draupadi many valuable ornaments and costliest garments.
King Drupad also offered equally valuable gifts to Arjun, Draupadi and Subhadra and to other Pandava brothers.Draupadi was surprised and asked Dhrishtdyumn how could Drupad plan all that as he came all of a sudden. Drisht laughed and said. You know  ,Father competes with you in loving Arjun. Ever since he got the information that Arjun is returning with Subhadra he planned his visit and all these gifts he personally ordered for his sake. Any one will get angry if his  son in law marries again but here Father thinks that all his marriages are mark of heroism. I told him I was miffed with Arjun for bringing Subhadra to indraprasth. But father said Krishna offering his own sister to Arjun proves that his son inlaw is the most desirable one in Aryavarth. I am frustrated sister, Father is obsessed with him. "Draupadi smiled and looked around to see where the most desirable warrior of Aryavarth is. She found him seriously arguing with Satya about some thing. She nodded her head and thought. Satya won't  let Arjun win that easy . She will definitely have her say even though her opponent is too good at spinning a magical web with his words. Arjun suddenly caught her  eye and smiled at her. Draupadi avoided his eye lock ..
Revati suddenly said. "Kunti Bua your daughter in law is. Extraordinarily beautiful. I never saw any woman as awesome as Draupadi. Satya,Rukmini, Subhadra all are charming in their own way. But Panchali's beauty is mesmerising. Subhadra agreed with Revati's words. "Bua, sometimes I feel scared thinking of her beauty, "
Dhrisht's wife who is hearing their conversation gave a taunt. "Why won't she be that beautiful? My father in law specially created her for Arjun,He thought that Only the most beautiful woman can complement his looks with her beauty. So Draupadi's beauty is the result of my  father in law's wish, The whole of Panchal knows it. "
Kunti nodded her head helplessly. Even she knew that and that is why for the sake of unity among brothers she got her for her Five sons but not only for Arjun.
Krishna teased Bheem. "Bhrata Bheem tell me if you want something more from Dwaraka. You are from bridegroom's side. "Bheem laughed merrily."I am happy for what Phalgun did. Otherwise all these would have been with That stupid Duryodhan. "Nakul laughed and said. Govind,all these means the hundred varieties of sweets and other tasty  dishes you brought from Dwaraka. He does'nt bother about other things."
Every one laughed at  Nakul's words. Balram taunted Bheem. "Your brother and my brother planned every thing well in advance. How can it go towards Hastinapur? Of course my sister played a major role in this set up. "
Subhadra gave an angry expression and Balram could'nt tolerate even that. He went and closely hugged her. Fine, I won't say anything . Forget  it you are my ladli behen. Your husband is the best. "
Krishna laughed and said. "Subhadra enough. Our brother tuned himself to our beat. "Every one including Subhadra laughed . Draupadi felt jealous. Subhadra has two loving brothers who will do anything for her. She also has Dhrisht but as both of them are twins they are more like friends. She missed an elder brother who can take care of her, fulfill her wishes...She thought Govind will fill that place but
Priyamvada interrupted her thoughts. "Princess, your mother in law is asking for the golden ornaments which are to be given to Subhadra. Let us bring them. "
Draupadi went to the worship room's adjacent room where all the ornaments are kept and gave the ornaments to Priyamvada.
No maid will be allowed there. So only Priyamvada and Draupadi manage that room carefully. Priyamvada took all ornaments and asked Draupadi to close the lockers and come. As Draupadi is closing them one by one,she felt the masculine arms of Arjun take her closely and she let out a shril. Arjun closed the door behind and said . "It is me. Don't make noise. "Draupadi looked at him with confusion. "Why did you come here? Masi may come now. Leave me and go."She  tried to sound angry ."She won't come. She saw me coming here. "Arjun said with confidence. "What is that urgent thing that brought you here without thinking about the guests outside? "Draupadi demanded a reply but his hazel eyes are having a familiar desire that is very much known to yajnaseni by now.she tried to get to the door but was stopped by him with a peck on her lips. "You look awesome Krishnaa "Arjun said.
Draupadi  did not respond.She Still is in dilemma regarding herself...Why is she reacting positively despite her strong decision to punish Arjun..
Satya stopped Draupadi who is in a hurry to go to her mother in law. She observed her face ..her kumkum was lightly scattered. She wiped the scattered kumkum and teasingly smiled."So Arjun is on track now? "
Draupadi did not answer.. "Satyal let me go Mata is waiting. ."
Satya persisted. But you should have punished him for some more days no? Whenever your Govind married, I punished him for a longer period. "
Draupadi replied precisely.  I didn't reconcile yet.and You have Govind for a lifetime.
Satya understood. She felt bad for Draupadi. "You are  right. I am sorry. "Draupadi smiled, "Don't worry. Now let us go there . "Kunti saw them both and asked. "What happened? Why did  you stay back? "Draupadi was embarrassed
. Satya covered up. "Bua,  I asked her to show her new designs . So we are late. "Draupadi looked up and found Arjun ,his eyes smiling naughtily. She bit her lip and shot an angry look at him.
Priyamvadha who is the sole witness ,hid her smile. Finally her princess is going to enjoy the love of her life.
Krishna  laughed at Arjun and taunted. Why did you put my Sakhi in such situation? See her face ,she  is answerable to your mother no? "
Arjun  said. "Your Satya has come and disturbed my moment. Now  she will disturb me with you and my queen also. After lunch Krishn and Arjun went to the garden house of Draupadi to relax.
Arjun asked Krishna, Madhav, why is first love always special? Krishna smiled. Why not Parth? The feeling of first love always remain in memory. Radha is my first love. Rukmini is my first wife. Both are special to me. They will always be in my inner conscience, even when I spend time with others. That is soul connection. Arjun agreed. You are right Madhav. My queen is always there with me even when I am with others. I feel strongly connected to her even though I am far away. Soul connection. I admire Aarya, I cherished Ulupi. I charmed Chitrangada. I adored Subhadra.but my first love remained intact. I love Krishnaa.

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