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Kunti looked at Yudhishtir's face.  He was calm and composed. How could her first born cope up with Drupad's unwavered adulation towards Arjun? Why would every one forget that Draupadi is wedded to five pandavas not one. She was miffed with Gandhari's message also.  She said.."Kunti, I very much wanted Draupadi to be my daughter in law. It did'nt happen as I heard her birth is motivated by Arjun's valour. I feel redeemed on hearing about your well being. Forgive my sons for what they had done.I know you will. Anxious to meet you all especially  Draupadi..Want to see if she compliments my Arjun in looks and personality.     Kunti looked at her Phalgun who is laughing at some joke cracked by Krishna.    Then She heard vidura's voice. Maharaj Drupad,Krishna Vaasudev,  what did you decide in answer to our invitation?   
Krishna spoke in  his usual calm but imposing voice.  Mahatma vidur.I don't have clarity regarding the. Intention of king Dhritarashtr?  I agree you and grand father love pandavas a lot.  But how can it help them in winning their due in the face of Duryodhan's resistance?What guaranty can you give that Doryodhan would not attempt treachery again? "
Drupad supported Krishna .  "By god's grace they are happy here. Even I am apprehensive of sending them there.  Yudhishtir said "I can understand you both as you are our well wishers.  Still if Jyesht Pitasri  wanted us to come I would like to honour his word. "
Bheem got angry on hearing this and ridiculed.  "Honouring Jyesht pitasri?  People will laugh at us if we still believe in him.Eldest. Don't be that  soft. Remember how mother also suffered in the forests  only due to Jyesht pitasri's partiality to Duryodhan?
Nakul made him sit and tried to calm him down.Panchali went to them and offered Bheem cool flavoured Buttermilk. She gave Nakul his favourite orange juice and proceeded to Yudhishtir to offer him badam milk and sahadeva who is sitting with Kunti was given his aushadhi milk.
Kunti took lime juice from her daughter in law  and said.   "Krishna likes Flavoured curd. Serve him that. Arjun drank Aushadhi milk? She questioned.
Sahadeva answered with relief. Maata, due to krishnaa only Bhraata Arjun made my job easy. He drank it on her insistence. "Draupadi got embarassed.  She turned away on the pretext of serving Krishna. 
Vidur Continued the discussion. "Arjun?why are you silent? What do you propose to do?  He asked Arjun as he has immense confidence in his nephew's intelligence. 
Arjun replied with a certain detachment.  "Kakasri,With Duryodhan around, how can we expect any thing better to happen?  It is waste of time and energy.  Better than that Bharata Bheem and myself should go and defeat vulnerable kings who are kings by fate but not fit by nature.  We can establish our own kingdom. "
The confidence with which he said those words captivated everyone.
Bhima rejoiced and  patted Arjun.
Drupad proudly admitted. I fully support Arjun . My army is at your disposal. Dhrisht will wait for your commands.  Yudhishtir intervened. "Forgive me Maharaj,  it is not needed at the moment. "
Then he turned to Arjun. " Arjun I can't believe you are talking the language of war?  Looks like you are impressed by Bheem's  ways.  " He said in a soft tone.
Arjun kept silent.  Krishna tried to calm the atmosphere.  "Now Panchali,  where is my flavoured curd?  You served your husbands and forgot me? "
Satya laughed and reminded.  "She did not serve Arjun also.  Arjun looked at her with irritation and said."Would you mind your own? I don't need anything . "
Krishna laughed at him and remarked in a low voice. Parth. You experienced how nice it is to make your wife arrange your hair. Now see for yourself how exhilarating it is to eat or drink from your wife's hands.

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