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Subhadra tried to touch the feet of Draupadi but Yajnaseni stopped her in the middle. She did Tilak to her and Kunti asked her to do Tilak to Arjun. Draupadi reluctantly raised her hand and did Tilak avoiding his gaze.
After the Arti she turned back and proceeded to her chamber. Arjun along with Subhadra looked so nice together Draupadi thought . She has to endure seeing them in Indraprasth.How could she bear that another girl is there to claim her right over him that too in her year with him.
Priyamvada came with Sahadev. "Maharaj Drupad is going to visit Indraprasth very shortly. He already started with Dhrishtdyumn. "Draupadi is surprised. Yudhisthir sent messages to him in these twelve years but he did not visit Indraprasth. When her sons were born Dhrisht with his wife came and stayed with her. Now Arjun came back and her Father could not stop himself from meeting his favourite son in law.
We will have many guests even after. The whole Yadava family is gracing Indraprasth.It is clear that Indraprasth's  joy also came back with Bhrata Arjun. We will have so much work at hand. "Sahadev said.
Draupadi nodded her head. Tell your Bhrata Bheem I am coming in a short while to help him in kitchen.she said. Bheem takes personal interest in supervising kitchen related work especially when some occasion happens. He trained Draupadi perfectly in these matters that she became an expert in that. So he gives importance to her suggestions and decisions. Priyamvada  arranged Draupadi's hair in single plait with the help of Malini
. Masi,I will manage myself. You take care of Subhadra . "Draupadi told her.
There are many maids with Subhadra. Her personal maids also came from Dwaraka. Priyamvadha said.
And she arranged a large sized Jasmine garland in her hair. Draupadi stood stupefied. Before she could say anything Priyamvada said.."I know you stopped wearing them since twelve years. But now I think the time has arrived to have them. "Draupadi's face became red. How keenly Priyamvadha observed that she did not even touch Jasmines when he is away!Draupadi never argues with Priyamvadha,who occupies a place similar to that of Kunti and Gandhari in her heart. She dressed herself in a light pink sari   and wore no ornaments. She accompanied Priyamvada to royal kitchen.
Prominent ministers and merchants of Indraprasth will greet Arjun and Subhadra over dinner. Yudhishthir informed that even outsiders like the residents of Hastinapur also may come to greet Arjun.
Bheem looked at Draupadi who looked divinely beautiful in her simple dress up. "Where did this beautiful lady disappear all these years? "He said widening his eyes.
Draupadi got embarrassed at Bheem's remark. Bheem never cared about to whom Draupadi belongs that year and all these things. His great rapport with Draupadi continued irrespective of norms and principles. As for Draupadi she always admired this huge brother of Arjun who is so concerned and caring. Priyamvadha went to Arjun who is in talks with Indraprasth's army commanders. Subhadra is helped by a dozen maids who took delight in making the new bride look beautiful.Priiyamvada waited till Arjun finished his talks. Arjun understood and met her in his private chamber. Kunti sent a message to you Arjun,, your term with Draupadi is extended to three years. Kunti wishes you and blesses you with A hope that along with the new bride you will take care of her Eldest Bahu. Priyamvada said.
Arjun could not believe his ears. He is miffed with the fact that as already his year began with Draupadi, it will come to an end by the time he appeases her. Three years certainly is a blessing for them he thought.
But his fire born is too stubborn  to admit defeat before him. Still he is confident of winning her back. Arjun smiled to himself. ...
Kunti came to the rich  dining hall where the Royal dinner takes place. She found everything satisfactory.She called Bheem and Draupadi who took all the trouble to make perfect arrangements. She praised them and said ."Bheem, let Bahu attend upon take help of jalandhara and Vijaya "she suggested.
Devika will be busy with Yudhishtir whereas karenumati takes care of kids."Bheem made a face indicating his displeasure. "Mata,Subhadra has come no? She will take care of him". He said.
Kunti sighed.This boisterous son of hers never have his fill regarding Draupadi.How could she explain the propriety of letting Draupadi unite with Arjun!Moreover king Drupad is coming and every one knows his obsession for Arjun.
At that moment Arjun came and hugged Kunti. As the guests did not come yet Every one is casual and Kunti kissed on Arjun's forehead. Draupadi wished to move away as she does'nt want to interact with Arjun again.
Bheem stopped her and ordered her to bring Arjun's favourite sweet that was made just now. Maids were not allowed to touch them with the fear  that by mishandling they may spoil the shape.
Bheem is very particular about it. Draupadi is helpless and she reluctantly brought the sweets and gave the plate to Bheem. Kunti observed her attitude towards Arjun. She is not going to oblige him that soon. Her heart melted over her Phalgun.Meanwhile Bheem made Arjun eat the sweet .How is it? He enquired.
Too delicious. Arjun replied looking at Draupadi who is bewitchingly beautiful with simple make up and the jasmines...His heart drooled over his Krishnaa who is testing him with her breathtaking beauty.
Arjun got rid of his inhibitions as and when he heard from Priyamvada that she is all his for three years. No one can claim her .He thought posessively.
Kunti asked Draupadi to take Arjun to the washing place as his hands are spoilt with the ghee with which they were made. Draupadi reluctantly went with him and poured water on his hands. As she forgot to bring the towel to dry up his hands,she turned to move but found Arjun drying up his hands with her pallu end and thereby pulling her closer. Her face turned red. "Can't you wait till I bring the towel? "She fumed at him .
Arjun looked at her defiantly.Why should I? He asked. I can use my wife's pallu rather than waste my time. So saying he pulled her too close and wiped his mouth with her pallu.
Draupadi blushed at his unexpected behaviour . He almost took her in his arms and inhaled the fragrance of her jasmines. How anxious he is to feel the fragrance along with blue lotus fragrance? Arjun's dreamy eyes savoured every inch of her beauty without inhibitions . Draupadi composed herself. As usual she will lose herself in his charm. And she will let him enjoy his victory over her. No she should not surrender.Draupadi pushed him away and said in a  voice that exposed her anger and hurt. You must have mistaken me for someone else. I am not Subhadra, whom you abducted so passionately and married instantly.

The Fateful Evening Part lDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora