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Arjun looked at krishna in a pleading way. Krishna smiled and assured him. "Don't worry Parth, I won't put krishnaa in trouble. "Draupadi brought flavoured curd to Krishna. "Govind, maids delayed in making it. Lapse on our part. Accept it now. "Krishna affectionately scolded her. "Why do you take every thing to heart. I did'nt mean it. It became a habit for both Parth and me to say everything with satires and wierd humour. Often I become the target of my wives due to my sense of humour. 
Arjun said in a low voice. "And I am facing the same problem,Madhav. Even I am becoming a source of suspicion. "He side glanced Draupadi  meaningfully which only she could understand.
Draupadi immediately realised his taunt. It is about the way she reacted on hearing Arya's name from his lips.  Satya is smart enough to grasp that some issue is there that  became a cause of sulking on part of Draupadi.
She immediately jumped to her defence. "Arjun, I am too experienced in your so called sense of humour. You both are impossible. Draupadi, don't believe him. If there is smoke, there will be fire. "
Arjun tried to give a retort but  stopped as Vidur called the attention of them. "You all must have known the  Malava king who attended the marriage of Draupadi . He is an acquaintance to Hastinapur and a friend to brother Pandu.  Kunti nodded in approval. 
Draupadi's face turned pale. Her suspicion is turning into reality.  She desperately tried to hold herself boldly.
Vidur continued.  "He left today. Yesterday he brought up a proposal of his daughter Arya, for Arjun to Bhabhisri,kunti in the presence of me and Yudhishtir. He said that if Arjun marries his daughter he will happily offer his  kingdom  to him and Pandavas can establish themselves there .
Drupad listened with utmost attention.  He sensed something like this when  the king  praised Arjun  to sky level and said he is jealous of him for having him as his son in law. Vidur continued. "The princess  is on a vow of sarvamangala,umadevi, and  sincerely hopes her wish will be granted.  Bhabhisri, myself and Yudhishtir told him  this is not the proper time to discuss an alliance as the marriage celebrations are not completed yet. We told him ,right now we are not in a position to  either accept or deny his proposal.We told him that   We will definitely consider his proposal  after pandavas establish themselves in Hastinapur. 
Drupad got relieved. He knew how alliances will happen. He won't grudge  Malava  king if he is after Arjun. He knew a father's heart. But right now it is krishnaa's turn to enjoy marital bliss. 
He said. Mahatma Vidur, Maharani kunti you took a good decision. Hastinapur issue is to be solved first. Why only Malava king,I will be the first one to offer my kingdom to them.
Yudhishtir Politely said. We know Mahraj. How can we forget your magnanimous gesture? But I feel it is our duty to honour our grand father and Jyesht Pitasri by accepting their proposal.  
Bheem is so frustrated and threw his hands up. Arjun, the other option is better. Be clever and accept princess. Otherwise Eldest will drag us to Hastinapur and I hate to see those bunch of jokers day and night. If  Malava  king gave me the offer I would have grabbed it with delight. I am sure Krishnaa will have no objection.  
Krishna laughed and said. "Bharata Bheem you and me we are practical people . We know we should not hurt the sentiments of women. How nicely you accepted Hidimba,Parth should learn from you. "
Satya protested looking angrily at krishna "lord you are not enough to go on wedding as many as 16000and eight,you want your Parth also to be like you? "
Arjun stopped her and said."You know  Satya there  is only one Krishna ,

The Fateful Evening Part lDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora