Part 156

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It has been four days since Alli Rani did not attend the assembly and every one wondered what happened to the queen. There are rumours that the snake which she kept  is the reason for her disturbed health. As for Alli she  took time to cope up with the way she was cheated by the two friends . She did not hide anything from her parents.
Her father as usual did not react but said. Mata Meenakshi  may have favoured it. Her mother is extremely happy at the way things happened in her daughter's life. Her Aradhya  graced her daughter by making his closest friend as her husband .
She prevented Alli from taking off the Mangalasutr and advised her daughter to accept Arjun with dignity. But Alli is in no mood to forget the offence. She will take revenge . But how? As she is seriously thinking of an idea she got solution from Arjun himself.She got a Patr from Arjun which is addressed to the queen of Madhurai.
It simply stated --The king Dom  of Madhura Should accept  Indraprasth's sovereinity and pay tribute . The Rajasuya should be attended by Royal family without fail. If the queen decides against these conditions she should be prepared for a battle  with Indraprasth. ...
Alli is furious on reading the Patr and immediately decided for War.  Alli's mother  is desperate on seeing Alli's attitude. She prayed to Govind. Prabhu help my daughter see good sense and change her heart. She scolded Alli. You are preparing to fight with your husband?
Alli retorted I  don't consider him my husband. He is a cheater. I will punish him for sure. ...
Arjun is desparate and angry. Now fighting with her only is left. O God ! It has been a cakewalk for me to conquer even the Gandharvas and Bhagadutta. But this Madhurai surely is giving me headache. He protested before his Madhav. Krishna smiled. Don't get frustrated. This is the final stage after which Madhurai will come under the umberella of Indraprasth.. But it will be interesting to fight with your own wife,you know? Krishna teased him.
Arjun had only his five officials and he went with them to battlefield. Krishna did not fight. Alli came with a huge army and ridiculed Arjun. Such overconfidence ? You don't want to win the battle it seems . Arjun approached her and said with his disarming smile. I already won the battle. You know it. He said straightly.
Alli 's face became red with anger. You don't know my prowess. You will definitely get to know it shortly. She said.
Arjun bowed before her and taunted. I am waiting to see it. By the way my sincere advice is leave this war uniform and wear  traditional Madhurai saree. You look beautiful I swear.
Alli took out her sword and and challenged Arjun . Stop your banter and be ready for fight. Krishna came in the middle and told Alli. Let us not involve army in this feud.. You both combat with each other and who ever wins will get his wish accomplished.Alli agreed for sword fight. Arjun started on a reckless note  but soon realised Alli's competence. He praised her moves and commented.Beautiful women like you should keep these skills to train children but not to fight with husband.
Alli fumed. You are not my husband. She said with menace. Arjun smiled. Then why did you keep the Mangalsutra still? He asked.Alli tried to remove it but Krishna prevented her. Don't bother about Parth's taunts. He is naughty. You should respect your mother's word. ..
The fight continued and finally Alli has to admit defeat before her more skilful husband. Krishna told her. Go back to your Palace Alli, Be ready with your mother to come with us to Indraprasth. You will still be a queen of Madhurai but not as the daughter of Pandya but as the wife of Rajkumar Arjun.Indraprasth's representative will assist you in administrative matters. Now leave your anger and accept your marriage. Alli still did not relent. I may have lost the battle but I will never lose my self respect. He is not my husband. She stated..
Indraprasth still has to accommodate the treasure Arjun sent from his conquests. Panchali became mad almost at the un ending flow of wealth. She stopped counting the huge heaps of gold, jewels,diamonds and precious stones. The elephants and horses that are gifted are still waiting outside the city as Nakul and Sahadev could not arrange a proper resort for them. Only he can estimate and arrange them properly. Thought Panchali.
The next day brought the news of victory over Madhurai. Yudhishtir was informed by a confidential Patr sent by Krishna and Arjun about the events that took place  in conquering Madhurai. He was shocked and immediately called his mother, brothers and Panchali to a confidential meeting.
Sahadev elaborated the matters of the letter and everyone was speechless.Kunti couldn't believe what she heard. How could Kanha make such a plan? How could her Phalgun follow that? She was more worried about Panchali  who is in her eighth month. She looked at her and found her face expressionless. Still she could feel a dim shade on her beautiful face. Alli Rani is coming to Indraprasth as Royal prisoner because she did not accept Bhrata as her husband.
Kunti wailed. He Narayan! How could this happen ? Better than this they should have come back without conquering Madhurai. She said. Yudhishtir agreed. I agree. We can not force a girl into unwanted matrimony. They should have waited and sought our advice.
Bheem grumbled. These two are unpredictable. I should have gone there in place of them. Nakul sighed with disappointment. Why am I denied such adventures? I envy Bhrata.
Sahadev frowned at him. Don't look at things on the outer surface. We should go deeper and analyse the situation. What circumstances forced them  to take that decision? Don't forget without conquering Alli we can not move ahead with our Rajasuya.In a way Bhrata cleared every obstacle that blocked our way. We all did conquests. But what we brought is nothing before Bhrata's conquests. Eldest can donate whatever he wish  at Rajasuya. Sahadev stopped.
Bheem took Kirti who is playing near Panchali and picked him up.What do you think of this speak up. He goaded Panchali. She kept silent. Kunti  waited to hear what she will say. Yudhishtir said. Panchali, on behalf of Arjun I beg pardon for what he had done. You must have been hurt.
Panchali looked into his eyes. For what I must be hurt? If I remember well it is not Arya Arjun's duty  to conquer Madhurai. He was ordered by you in the assembly to tackle Alli with the help of Govind. He went till Himalayas and Gandharva nagar to bring rich tributes with which we will earn fame,and blessings. We all should I repeat we should first think how hard it is to travel like that for days and months on that hilly slopes without shelter and facilities?Still he achieved the impossible. As for Madhurai and Alli we should appreciate both of them for not bothering about the criticism and achieve Madhurai kingdom for us. I am sure she will relent. She is hurt. Her Ego is hurt. But after a while she would realise what she got . I will help her realise how she should cherish being the wife of the greatest warrior on earth. Panchali gasped and continued.

Panchali  turned to Kunti. Mata, We all  let Govind guide him  and Govind  decided that way. Now why should we bother whether it is right or wrong? I can very well understand how much they deliberated on proceeding with their idea. I know you also would . You are his mother. You know him more than me. They would have adopted such way when no other way is open.
Kunti is shocked to hear such words from Panchali. She knew how she took a long time to forgive Arjun when he came with Subhadra. A new realisation dawned on her. Panchali's obsessive love for Arjun has matured into implicit faith and selfless love.  Kunti 's eyes became wet thinking of the mutual love they had and appreciated her Bahu for showing such belief  in Krishna and Arjun.She said firmly. Bahu's words are true . We should support whatever  they did. Let us celebrate Phalgun's victory and welcome another Bahu  to Indra prasth.
The brothers agreed and announced celebrations and grand welcome for Krishna and Arjun.

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