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Madhav looked at him deeply with a certain seriousness. "Parth, Bhrata Balaram 's desire is to make Subhadra the wife of Duryodhan. If that alliance happens Dwaraka ties up with Hastinapur for ever. "
Arjun felt the barb in his heart. He thought it is  difficult for him  to see his Madhav be the brother in law of that arrogant Duryodhan. "Are you happy with that alliance with arrogant Duryodhan? "Arjun questioned though he knows the answer. "No.I am not happy. But you know I prefer Subhadra to make her choice . "
So what is Subhadra's wish? "Arjun asked with keen interest.
Krishna laughed merrily and taunted. "You will definitely know her wish tomorrow. Now go to sleep thinking of your Krishnaa as of now. "Arjun smiled and closed his eyes. His Krishnaa stood before him in all her beauty and splendour. Now the moment they wait ed together is fast approaching.He would never give her a reason to complain about his reserved behaviour, his inhibitions in admitting his love ,every thing will be sorted out once they come together and start their conjugal life. He will never let go her sacrifice of herself for his sake. Whatever period is left for them he will make it heavenly and appease his Krishnaa.
Little did Arjun know the game that fate is going to play by making him an offender in his krishnaa's eyes. He slept peacefully with his Madhav by his side. ...
Satya offered a heartfelt welcome to Arjun.she is excited to have him in Dwaraka,that too in her mansion. If Arjun stays there,Krishna  definitely won't move an inch away from him. ...Satya greeted Arjun and praised his victory  over Indra at the time of Khandava Dahan. I hope you won't ask me to burn another forest here to demonstrate my prowess.Arjun remarked with a tinge of sarcasm.
Satya retorted. "Who knows? Some other adventure may be waiting for you,in Dwaraka..."
Arjun looked confused but Krishna laughed at him and said".Parth,don't take her words seriously. You know satya's nature. "Arjun grumbled. "I know her too well.That is why I am worried..."
Satya honoured him heart fully and served delicious meals to both the friends.
How do you plan to face Krishnaa after your colourful marriages?Satya  shot the question.
Arjun answered with a straight face. "Just like Madhav faces you after each of his marriages to Mitravinda, Bhadra, Kalindi...He only is my idol you know? "
Krishna could not control his laugh. Satya muttered under her breath.  You two are simply impossible. No one can tame you at all. Krishna patted Arjun on his back. He then said. "Let us go to Raivataka where a Pooja is performed for Bholenath. It will be good to get his blessings. "
So saying he looked at Satya who nodded her head signifying something. Arjun understood something is planned behind his back. As both the friends reach The hill all the Yadavs are doing worship to Siva. Satyaki came running towards him and hugged Arjun. How lucky we are to have you in DwarakaWhen Bhrata Krishna told about your arrival in Prabhas,I am mad with Joy.
Arjun replied."I am equally elated to be among you all,after my long pilgrimage. "
Then suddenly the groups of Yadavs became  alert as the royal family members are arriving to pray before Siva.Arjun saw before his eyes,Rukmini Devi who looked like goddess Sri herself.Beside her stood the ladli sister of Balram and Krishna who is ravishingly beautiful. Arjun admired her elegance and beauty  that is totally in contrast to Aarya and Chitra. Rukmini approached Krishna and touched his feet. Krishna pulled her up with love and regard. Subhadra followed her and did the same. Krishna hugged her and held her close, He introduced them to Arjun. Rukmini smiled at Arjun when he bowed before her.
Bhrata Arjun, We heard a lot about your heroic deeds and waiting to meet you. Our Subhadra desperately desired to see you and see her luck brought you here right before her eyes. " Rukmini said with a smile.Krishna who still held Subhadra nearer presented her before his dear friend. "Look Parth, this is my dearest sister , the apple of my eye your uncle Vasudev's daughter "Subhadra got rid of her shyness and looked into his eyes. Since how long she is dreaming to see him before her eyes. He is more handsome than she saw him in portraits. The hero of great feats, the dream of every girl in Aryavarth is so nearer to her. This must be the lila of her brother,nothing else.
Rukmini alerted Subhadra and sought permission from Krishna to go inside the temple. She almost pulled Subhadra who reluctantly followed her glancing lovingly at Arjun. Krishna teased Arjun who is still lost in subhadra's elegance, Parth,ascetics like you should have control over their senses. Otherwise people will ridicule you .Anyways what do you think of Subhadra? Arjun replied without mincing words. She is simple and beautiful. She is just like my Madhav. I don't know why I felt I am looking at you in another form. I felt a strange connection with her.
Krishna smiled with satisfaction. Now I am relieved. I wholeheartedly offer her to you Parth, Krishna 's words made Arjun understand what is there in his Madhav's mind...
Gada,the Yadav Kumar is sent to indaprasth to inform Yudhisthira and Kunti about subhadra's abduction plan. With much persuasion, Arjun agreed to abduct Subhadra in krishna's chariot and the information is sent through Gada. Yudhishthira has no objection at all. He felt happy and gave his consent. Bheem felt proud. Abduction right under the nose of his guru Balaram,Quite an adventure he said. Sahadev expressed delight. The future of Pandavas will depend on this heroic feat of Bhrata. The stars are auspicious,he predicted. Nakul supported him fully. Kunti is ecastic. Her brother's daughter ,her dear niece will be her Phalgun's wife. Yadavs will be tied up to Pandavas for ever. She will come to Indraprasth unlike Phalgun's other wives. Gada left with a beaming face taking the approval of every one.    The one who got to know it through Sahadev Yajnaseni Droupadi felt the whole world around her shaking. The ground beneath her feet appeared like cracking making her fall in her royal chair . She wiped off her sweat with her achal and enquired. Why is Krishnaa informed of it now when she was kept in ignorance while giving approval? Sahadev consoled her patiently. Don't get hurt,Panchali, you are not ignored. Our intention is not to hurt you. You know she is govind's sister that is why we thought that you will definitely accept the alliance.
Draupadi blurted out. I accepted all the wives of Pandavas without remorse. I will accept Subhadra also even at the cost of my ruptured heart. Go tell your Eldest,your mother and send the message to your heroic brother that Krishnaa is waiting to welcome him and his wife with Arti thali.  "
Draupadi got up and entered her personal chamber,the doors of which were closed,all through the evening and night.

Priyamvadha went to The door and called Draupadi. She heard no response. But the doors were opened and the princess of Panchal is there before her eyes.
Priyamvada got relief. She knew Draupadi treats her equal to Kunti .She went inside and Placed the tray on the table. Eat the fruits and drink aushadhi milk. Draupadi refused. Why do you spoil your health,Don't think too much about the forth coming events that will truly nail your patience.
Draupadi retorted. My patience is tested time and again as per convenience and will. I never grudge Subhadra,Aarya or Chitra. I am not concerned with them.The man who is responsible to bring me into this family is answerable to me. No one else.
Priyamvada tried to convince her. "Think about it on a larger scale. It is too important to form an alliance with Yadavs .otherwise Duryodhan will benefit.
Draupadi is sarcastic. Perfect. For each marriage he can give just too perfect reasons and innocent Draupadi would definitely swallow them just like swallowing poison. As a reward I will get one half of the year after every four years. That too at the mercy of Subhadra .
Priyamvada has no answer. What Draupadi says is true. After every four years Draupadi gets an year but now she has to share it with Subhadra . Draupadi composed herself and drank the milk. She assured Priyamvada "Don't worry Masi I will not spoil the pleasure of his arrival after twelve years. I won't let my pain come in the way of the happiness of his mother and brothers and of course his new bride. Draupadi is not that selfish.
Priyamvadha 's heart melted for the beautiful queen of Indraprasth .

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