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Panchali got up and sat placing the pillow on her lap. She doesn't want to get under his spell that may overpower her and blow her off her feet. The chilled weather is making her shiver but Arjun did not look like getting effected by the cold at all.
Panchali asked him the same." Are you not bothered by this chilled winds? How could you ? "
He nodded his head with an enchanting smile.

Arjun lied down on the carpet and stared into the sky that has white clouds of sarat season.The moon light is showering on the surroundings ...Arjun enjoyed the ambience so much.

How nice it is to lie down under the roof of the sky... Why should we build royal palaces at all I can't understand.. Khandav van lost its natural beauty...
Panchali gazed at him with wonder. Her nature loving husband truly amazes her with his way of thinking. She asked him sharply." Then why did you let Indraprasth happen? You should have not asked your friend Maya to construct the city..

Arjun turned sideways and replied." When we were given this barren land Duryothan thought we will live in this wild forest,without shelter and protection. He knew Takshaka is living in Khandav van. Grand father told me that it is a challenge to my ability to establish the empire of my Eldest. You know I always love to meet challenges half way and win.

Panchali got mesmarised by his voice and the tone..that made the silent night give space to the third Pandav to break the silence.

How could I keep my newly wedded wife live in the open.. It is a question of my presteige.Arjun seriously stated.

Panchali smirked and retorted." I know how much concern you have for your newly wedded wife.seriously making her live in golden palaces .. That is your duty towards her..

Arjun got up and sat opposite to her straight.He avoided her remark and exclaimed." Surely your Devine origin helped you in being so extraordinary... I mean your beauty... How could the mole look so luring.. it is teasing me that I still stay so far away from you...being your husband.

Draupadi felt embarrassed ..she is confused. Which mole he is referring to? She has one on her lower lip and another on her heart..She looked down to find her Pallu lying on the carpet...when she got up it must have fallen down..She hurriedly took that  and covered herself properly...

Arjun took her hand in his and said softly..." I promised you I won't exercise my right over you until you forgive and forget my offence. My flirting is restricted only to my verbal banter. Not more than that.

Panchali got up and walked to the corner of the boat.." Why is Govind and Satya not coming still.. She said trying to get herself out of the effect ...of his words and his charm.

Arjun approached her and commented.." You became so heartless and cold. Are you the same Krishnaa who loved to travel with me to Gurukul? I still feel your loving glance...

Panchali looked into the waters of Yamuna and replied in a shivering tone." She was gone.. Now you can not see her anywhere.The one who stood before you is not the innocent Krishnaa who waited for her Arjun with immense love... Her dream became true when you got into the chariot. How naive she was to feel happy just by your presence...

Arjun stood listening to her ...silently.

Panchali continued." The journey of life in your absence made her bitter,isolated at heart and detached. She lived her life but she did not live in true sense.

Arjun sighed deeply and took her in his arms. Panchali is shivering with cold...She is also shivering with the thoughts of her past twelve years...that she buried so deep in her heart.

Arjun slowly took her as close as he can without leaving space between them.. He kissed on her eyes and said. " Go on.. I am listening.. But I won't let your janam din end in sorrow and pain. I won't let my father in law down.. This should be your happy birth day...the happiest ever...

Panchali remained still feeling his warmth and love...anticipating the moment...that may break her freezed heart...and fulfill her love...

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