Part 184

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Even Krishna is in shock. He looked at Satya who smiled at him mischeously. Arjun asked Krishna. What is this Madhav? Tell Satya to stop that. Luckily Eldest is not here.
Krishna placed his hand on Arjun's shoulder. Relax Parth. I will enquire Satya. Just then Satya came there and gave explanation. The artists asked me if they can show Sita swayamvar and Draupadi Swayamvar on stage. They said they did it in Dwaraka and got applause. And Arjun, Why are you embarrassed of your great feat? Do you know in all the states The Fish Target is the most popular drama, musical drama, Ballad and what not? Ask the artists. Their co artists did that even in Hastinapur. And not to talk about Panchal. I was told On every occasion this play will be done. Please don't make a face like that. Your wives will realise how much hardwork you did to win the most beautiful woman as your wife. Arjun desperately looked at Krishna who supported Satya. Parth, Satya is right. Enjoy the show.
Krishna pulled Arjun and made him sit in the front row beside him...
The show began with Artists enacting Sitaswayamvar first.They did well. Sriram came on the stage and when he is tying the Nari The bow broke into pieces. Sita came and placed the garland round Sriram's neck. Every one showered flowers on them.The musicians did great job as the drama was accompanied with melodious songs. Rukmini who sat beside Panchali got emotional.She closed her eyes and tears rolled from them. She murmured.Ram,Ram.
Panchali placed her hand on Rukmini with anxiety. Rukmini looked at her and smiled through her tears.
Arjun looked at Krishna who closed his lotus eyes.A Devine smile appeared on his face. Arjun placed his hand on him. Krishna looked at him and smiled. Arjun felt he heard him say Sita,when he closed his eyes. He wanted to question Krishna but  the next drama started to his embarrassment

. Every one is looking curious. The one who acted the role of Dhrishtdyumn came on stage and announced. Who ever hits the Fish target will win my sister. Arjun asked Krishna. He looks exactly like Dhrisht. Don't you feel?
Krishna said. Yes. There is no difference. Panchali wondered. Is he really Dhrisht? No he is in Panchal. How can he be here? Then the actors who played Duryodhan,Karn and Sisupal came one by one and failed even to lift the bow.
The actress who played Draupadi is petite and cute. She stood beside Drupad. Who is Arjun? Suddenly a man in the guise of a Brahmin came on stage. May I hit the Target? He asked politely. Drupad agreed and he proceeded to the bow. The actor looks quite familiar Arjun thought. Madhav, who is he? He asked.

Krishna is smiling. Can't you identify your disciple? He teased. Arjun looked at him carefully. Yes, He is Satyaki. Arjun is so excited. He pressed Krishna's hand.Satya is smiling at Arjun.
Satyaki took the bow and took position exactly like Arjun did. He pretended like seeing the image in water and shot the arrow.The viewers clapped happily.
Draupadi placed the garland round Satyaki's neck.
Arjun could not control his laugher and ran on the stage. Krishna followed him.Satyaki touched Arjun's feet and Dhrisht came running to them. Panchali could not believe her eyes. Her brother arrived and gave shock .
Satya pulled her on the stage and asked How is the show?
Panchali confronted her brother Why didn't you tell me you came from Panchal? You fooled me. Dhrisht hugged her and said. What can I do? As soon as we reached Indraprasth we started with these artists to meet you all.
Then we got this idea and secretly met Satya Bhabhi who helped us to give you shock. And Satyaki's ambition to play Arjun got fulfilled. Everyone applauded them and then The actor who does Bheem's role came on stage and did mock fight with another who played Hidimbasur.
Panchali took Pragati and walked out . She asked Malini to hold Kirti who is half asleep.She returned to her chamber changed Pragati's dress and fed her. As she made Pragati sleep on her lap she couldn't help reminisce the Most cherished moment of her life that she just watched on stage. ...
The entertainment was over and  Bheem hurriedly arranged dinner for them as the children are already in sleeping mood. Nakul and Sahadev made the chariots ready as they wanted to get inside Indraprasth due to security reasons. Every one got into chariots and Arjun asked Malini where is Krishnaa. Malini informed him she is inside.
Arjun asked Malini to get into the chariot with Arya with Kirti who already slept. Every one was tired and half asleep and it takes only forty minutes to reach the royal palace. They can have comfortable sleep rather than staying there. So Bheem asked Arjun to bring Draupadi and got into a chariot.
Nakul went on Arjun's horse as his horse looked indisposed.Krishna told Arjun he will go in Satya's chariot and asked him to come with Panchali. Arjun waited for her who came atlast with Pragati sleeping on her shoulder. He told Panchali. Every one went off and took Pragati from her.

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