Part 168

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Panchali scolded Satya. Why do you make such challenges? How embarrassing it is for him? Satya listen to me. Stop playing pranks.
They both are alone in Panchali's chamber till Krishna comes and picks up Satya.
Arjun and Krishna attended the late night meeting with the king who is somewhat worried about the Rajasuya and its after effects.
Satya did not relent. Why do you feel concerned? I will make him open up. Today I just missed the chance.
Panchali said. You can't make him speak against his wish. He is too clever.
Satya agreed. Yes he is smart. But there lies the challenge. Today he made use of my  slip of tongue. I should have said the wife you loved most. By the way today Naaga princess will take the chance. She winked at Draupadi whose face became dull. Panchali always resented Ulupi for making Arjun break his oath of celibacy. She is the one who made him aware of his irresistible appeal and charm...otherwise..Draupadi can't think further.

Krishna councilled  Yudhishtir. Why are you worried now after conquering all the Kings? Whether good or bad once decided you should put your step forward.
Arjun asked. What is the use of bringing such huge tributes if they are not utilised for charity? Eldest, Father would feel bad,If we do not fulfill his wish.
Bheem supported Arjun. Eldest,Don't loose heart now. We should make our father proud.
Sahadev said. The prophecy should become true. Bhrata Arjun will make you the Emperor that is certain as predicted at satasringa . Yudhishtir nodded his head in approval still apprehensive of the after effects.

Krishna called Satya  and it is nearing midnight.
The meeting went on till now? Panchali asked. Krishna nodded. Just now Parth went to Ulupi's chamber.
He knew Panchali has a problem with Ulupi. Keep the  door open. Parth may come anytime. He told her with a naughty smile.
Govind,why do you tease me ? He will be meeting his naga princess after a long time. He won't come. She sulked.
Krishna smiled mysteriously and walked out with Satya. ...
Ulupi stood at the window. There is no trace of Arjun even after mid night. A pale smile appeared on her lips. He won't come. She was not chosen by him like Chitra. She abducted him without knowing his wish. Ulupi reminisced the single night she spent. His first experience,her uncontrolled passion that resulted in a beautiful memorable night.

Made you wait ? Arjun asked from behind. Ulupi turned back excited. You came at last ? She said with disbelief.
Why did you think I won't come? Arjun asked. Eldest held a meet. Just now it was over. He explained.
Ulupi admitted. Thank you for honouring me as your wife. Arjun  expressed surprise. As far as I remember I accepted you only after getting married.Ulupi nodded.

Still it is out of compulsion I feel,Arjun observed her guilt feeling. He took her closer and said with a charming smile. If you allow I will prove it wrong. Ulupi looked into his smiling eyes and lost herself completely. She felt gratified. Her eyes closed,Arrjun bent forward to fulfill her undaunted love...

Panchali stood in her balcony. Her children are sleeping,But she can not even close her eyes,It is the fourth quarter of night after an hour Arjun will start his archery practice. She heard a mild knock on her door. She opened the door and found her Arjun standing there. He came in and asked. Sleepless throughout?
Panchali turned her face and silently walked off giving him space. Arjun carried her to her bed and made her lie  down. He closed her eyes with his hand and said softly. Now sleep .I will order Sleep to come and over power you. Panchali cuddled into him and invited sleep into her eye lotuses.

The Fateful Evening Part lDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora