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Arjun got on to the horse again,and said he will keep it in the stable ,stay there some time so that it will help the stable guards.As he rode away  every one shouted sadhu,well done .
Kunti smiled with pride as she is witnessing before her eyes,the Devine prediction about Arjun come true before her eyes.         Her Phalgun is emerging as the best in every way, she felt proud. At that moment satyaki came over there on his horse,gasping for breathe.Krishna smilingly questioned him.So,learnt another lesson from Gurudev?     
Satyaki folded his hands.I am thankful to you for allowing me to go behind my gurudev,Arjun.It was great to watch him tame the horse.
Dhrisht got excited.How did he do it?Tell fast.     He cant wait further.
Satya could'nt control herself."Now satyaki don't waste time tell the actual process.Draupadi tried her best to compose herself standing besides Yudhishter.
Satyaki started."You know Arjun followed the wild horse on another and when he saw that stop  outside the city,in the midst of mango groves,he got down and approached know how it is.When he tried to take the reins,it forcefully attacked him.Then suddenly he banged on its back as if to challenge and started running.The horse fiercely followed him and the running race continued.Finally the horse got exhausted and stopped,gasping for breath.Arjun approached the horse,hugged its neck and sweet talked till it started acknowledging his voice.You don't believe  your eyes,The horse roared in pleasure and when he got on its back ,willingly submitted.Arjun took the reins,rode on it for some time  to make sure of its attitude.Then he made the horse drink water in the lake and rode on it,you saw him come no?How good he looked on such a beautiful horse?Satyaki could not control his hero worship.
Sheer intelligence.Exclaimed Drupad.           
Bhrata  became an expert even without   paying much attention towards horses said nakul..
Parth does very thing with heart not with mind.Krishna commented with an endearing expression that mirrored his love for his Parth.

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