"He left me," Louis whimpers and I shake my head firmly. "No, he didn't. I promise. He just wanted to clear his head, okay? He is coming back, I promise," I say and Louis sniffs before nodding.

"Okay," he whispers and I give him a smile. "C'mon, Harry told me to feed you the dinner he made and we can watch a movie," I say and Louis shakes his head.

"I'm not hungry," he says and I frown. "Nope, Harry told me to make sure you eat, no matter what you say, so I have to fulfill my duties," I say, poking his cheek. He gives me a small smile and nods. "Okay, fine," he gives in and I laugh, clapping my hands together.

"Yes! Let's get the food and then go to the couch and we can watch a movie!" I say, a bit too excitedly. Louis chuckles and nods, following me into the small hotel kitchen.


I hear my phone ding and I shoot my head up, hoping it's Harry. I grab it from my spot on the floor and see it is indeed a message from Harry. I eagerly click on it, but frown at what it says.

Niall is coming over to stay with you, be nice to him, I called him and told him to take care of you. I love you.

I sigh, knowing that wishing for him to come back was too much. At least I know that he still cares for me.

I set my phone next to me and rest my head in my knees again, just as the hotel room door opens. I know it is Niall and he pulls me into his chest. This causes me to cry harder and I'm sobbing into his chest as he tries to comfort me.

He reassures me that Harry just needed to clear his head, and I try to believe him. He says that Harry told him to make sure I eat and I sigh, knowing there is no way to get around him, so I follow him into the mini-kitchen.

I see the plate of food sitting on the table and Niall picks it up, sticking a finger in it and frowns. "It's cold," he says and moves over to the microwave to heat it up.

The microwave heats the food up a little and then Niall carries the plate back to the couch. I sit down on the couch and Niall hands me the plate. He grabs the remote and turns on the telly, moving to rent a movie.

He scans through and picks some comedy. He looks at me to make sure it is okay and I nod. He smile and chooses it.

I pick at my food, only eating a few bites. Niall notices and gives me a disapproving glance. I sigh and eat about a quarter of the plate before setting it down on the table.

Niall looks at it and then back up to me and sighs, but he doesn't make me eat anymore.

I curl into the couch as I watch the movie. I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and I close them, letting myself fall asleep.


I thank Paul before going over to my hotel room door. I slip my key card in and open it, taking a deep breath as I step through.

I see Niall sitting in the couch and he turns to me when he hears the door opening. I see him watching some kind of movie and I smile at him. He looks down at the figure lying on the couch and he turns off the telly as I walk towards them.

I see that Louis is asleep and I smile at his small figure. Niall stands up and walks towards me, patting my back. "He ate about a quarter of his food and he fell asleep during the first movie, but I just kept him on the couch so I could keep an eye on him, like you said," he says and I nod, giving the Irish lad a hug.

"Thank you, Ni. Was he nice to you?" I ask and Niall nods. "Yeah, he was on the floor crying when I first walked in though. He started sobbing when I pulled him into me and he kept going on about how you left him. He just kept repeating "He left me," over and over, so I had to reassure him that you were coming back. He really needs you Harry," Niall says and I feel my heart ache. "I know," I whisper and Niall gives me one last hug.

"I'll leave you two alone, and remember, we only have one interview tomorrow, and it's not a televised one, so it's in the afternoon," Niall reminds me and I thank him again before he goes out.

I turn back to the sleeping boy and sigh. I gently lift him into my arms and he shifts, but he doesn't open his eyes. I carry him to my bed and I gently set him down. I take off my clothes, staying in my boxers and I climb in next to him.

I pull his body into mine, feeling him shift again and his breath hitches, before it goes back to its normal breathing pattern.

I press my lips to his forehead and snuggle my head into his shoulder as my arms pull him into me.

"I love you," I whisper, even though I know he's asleep. "You came back," I hear a faint whisper and I smile, knowing he woke up.

"Always," I assure him and place a kiss on his lips. He snuggles into my arms more and I pull him even closer.

"I love you, too," he says and then I let myself fall asleep, for the second time that day.


Warning shits going down next chapter...any guesses on what might happen? Hint: it will happen at the interview ;)

As for my personal life, idk i guess i just have to get over it but your comments on the last chapter made me really happy. I love you guys a lot okay thank you so much it really meant a lot to me.

Hmm...thoughts on the chapter?


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