Chapter 3

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"Green eyes met blue ones in the bathroom. Oh, just a little over 4 years ago. Look where they are now, eyes turned to grey..."


"Do you want me to go in with you?" Harry asks as we stand outside of the meeting room door. I nod slightly and he takes my hand, squeezing it softly before releasing it. My stomach flutters and I shake my head. He is my best friend. I'm not getting butterflies. I accept it as a sign of comfort and close my eyes, taking a deep breath before gripping the door handle and opening it up. Harry reaches his arm over my head and holds the door open as I step through. I immediately see three people from management and they give me a small grimace as I walk in. I think it was supposed to represent a smile, but we both hate each other so much that it doesn't quite work. They motion to two empty chairs and Louis sits down in one just as Harry comes to sit in the other one.

"So what did you need to talk to us about, Louis?" Richard Griffiths gets straight to the point and I clear my throat, giving a quick glance to Harry seeing as he gives me a small smile of encouragement. "I broke up with Eleanor," I say and there is silence in the room. I then hear the three men sigh in sync and I wince at what is to come. "And you are planning to move out soon, yes?" Richard asks and I shake my head. "I'm not moving out of my flat with Harry," I mutter and Richard sighs once again. "Louis, you know our deal and you have to follow through with it. If you didn't want to move out, then you shouldn't have broken up with Eleanor," he says, trying to keep his patience.

"She cheated on me and she started acting like a bitch. I'm not going to keep putting myself through that kind of shit!" I say, trying not to raise my voice too much. "Then I guess Harry isn't important enough to you," Richard says and that's when I lose my temper. I am a very patient person, right up until you make fun of Harry. "Don't you ever dare question Harry's importance to me. He is more important to me than following your stupid rules," my eyes are dark and my voice is low. Richard narrows his eyes and we glare at each other for a good minute before I feel a hand rest itself on top of mine. I turn my head to see Harry's pleading face and I let my own soften into a defeat.

Richard's smile turns smug and he claps his hands together. "Alberto will pick you up in the morning to drive you to your new flat. A car will pick up your stuff after that, so don't worry so much about packing. You are excused," Richard says and the other men nod as they all stand up and leave the room. I turn to face Harry once we are alone in the room and I realize he has tears pricking his eyes. I can feel my own starting to well up and I take a deep breath. He stands up and I follow as he grips my hand and leads me out of the room. We walk through the building and back out to the car, Harry still gripping my hand and pulling me along behind him.

He leads me to the passenger side and immediately pulls me into a hug. I bury my face into his chest. I feel the tears starting to fall down my face and I grip his shirt tightly in my hands. "Don't wanna leave you," I whisper and he strokes my back. "I know. C'mon, let's just go back home, yeah?" he says and I nod, wiping at my eyes and he opens up my door for me as I slide into the seat. He gets in on the driver's side and gives me a sad smile. I try to return it, but it doesn't work very well and Harry gives me a concerned face. He reaches over and rests a hand on my thigh, giving it a soft squeeze. I feel something stir inside of me and I shake my head to try and clear the thought.

You like him, you idiot.

Well, look who has joined us.

Can't you see that you like Harry. You little faggot, he will never like you back.

I blink back tears again and Harry looks over at me with worry in his eyes. I just shake my head and try to rest it against the window, but he still gives me concerned glances.

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