Chapter 6

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"I will look after you..."

Attention: There is a very triggering part and i left a note right before it happens so you can just skip through it and look for the bold part that tells you it's done, if you don't want to read it. Just a warning :)

Harry runs his hands over his face as he takes in a deep breath. He can feel the eyes of the rest of the boys and he doesn't want to look up at them. He doesn't want to have to be the one to explain because honestly, he doesn't even know what happened himself.

"I know I'm ugly."

The only words that keep flooding into Harry's mind and he doesn't get it. How does Louis think of himself as anything less than perfect? Harry knows Louis gets insecure over his voice and he started working out a little more to get rid of his stomach, but Harry didn't realize that his insecurities affected him like this.

"Harry? What's going on?" Liam asks with a cautious voice and Harry shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "I-I don't know," Harry exhales loudly and he can feel a familiar sting behind his eyes.

"He just bursted out? I mean, he just went off and then he didn't even bother to tell you to get up, he just shoved you out of the booth," Niall says, sounding confused and Harry nods.

"I think I'm going to head out. I need something to clear my head," Harry mutters softly and the boys give him a sad look. Harry brushes it off and pretends he can't hear the whispers behind him as he walks away.

He makes it to his car and slides in, just sitting at the wheel as he inhales and exhales air through his opened mouth. Something happened to Louis and Harry is going to figure it out. He starts the car and pulls onto the street, heading towards the unfamiliar address.

Harry goes through the gate, the guard letting him through because of the clearance management gave him, just in case. He quickly goes towards the door to find it locked. He knows Louis would never use his garage and he doesn't see his car anywhere. Harry sighs, knowing Louis' not here and he tries to rack his mind to see if Louis would leave a spare key anywhere.

He checks under the welcome mat and in the plant next to the door, but he doesn't find anything and he groans aloud. Harry sinks down against the front door and rests his head back. He can see that it is getting dark outside and he knows that it will be night soon. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

He'll just wait until Louis arrives, then.


Louis is fucking drunk and he loves every second of it.

My body is buzzing and I can't seem to sit still in the seat of the booth I am in by myself. The club has finally filled up and I'm glad for the distraction. I close my eyes, but reopen them when I hear shuffling close to me.

"Is this seat taken?" The boy asks and I glance over him quickly as I shake my head. He sits down and holds his hand out. I stare at it before grabbing it with a firm hand. "I'm Jake," he says and I open my mouth to respond. "I'm-" I'm cut off by the new boy. "-Louis Tomlinson, I know," he says and I remove my hand from his to rest it back under the table. "Um, yeah," I mumble awkwardly and he laughs nervously.

"God, that was stupid I'm sorry. I just meant that you're kind of famous so I know who you are, but that's not why I wanted to talk to you. I actually think you're pretty cute and I don't know you personally but I know you're great. And I'm just rambling now aren't I?" He asks as a blush floods his cheeks and I smile, resisting the urge to deny the compliment.

A waitress makes her way over and drops off two drinks. I raise my eyebrows skeptically at Jake and he shrugs sheepishly. "You looked lonely, so..." he trails off and I offer him another smile. "No, no, it's okay," I say and he visibly relaxes as I close my hand around the handle of the beer.

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