Chapter 38

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"My ship went down in the sea of sound, when I woke up alone I had everything..."

A/N: sorry i havent updated in a while shits been going down :)


"Okay, so what exactly are we going to do?" Liam asks and I turn to look around at the other boys sitting around. We are at mine and Harry's flat trying to decided how Harry and I are going to come out and so far we have no ideas.

"We could just post a picture on Instagram or something?" Harry suggests and I snuggle into his chest further shaking my head. "No, then people will think we just got hacked. We have to make it so no one can doubt it," I say and the other boys nod.

We fall in silence, all thinking, when Niall suddenly claps his hands. "Let's do a livestream! Or a video diary, just like in the old times!" Niall says, and my face brightens.

"Yeah! We could just mess around like we used to and then bring it up and tell them," Zayn says and we all agree, getting more excited as we talk about it.

"So it's settled then, I'll call management and let them know to set it up and then text you guys the details," Liam says and we nod as he says goodbye, leaving us.

"I better go, Mum told me to call her today," Zayn says as he gets up to go. Niall agrees, saying he has to clean his flat and they both leaving after bidding us goodbye.

Harry turns to me and kisses my nose. "We're almost there, baby," he whispers and I cuddle into his chest with a smile.


Today's the day.

My hands are shaking and my breathing is fast as I think about what is to come later today.

I feel a hand on my arm and I turn to see Harry standing there with a knowing smile. "Calm down baby, everything will be fine," he says softly and I nod, biting my lip.

"C'mon," he says, grabbing my hand and I furrow my eyebrows as he drags me downstairs. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously and Harry just smiles at me.

"To get you to relax," he says as he leads me outside, locking his door and opening the car door for me. I'm thankful I grabbed my phone and I wait for Harry to get into the car as well.

"What are we doing?" I ask again and Harry just places his hand on my thigh. "Relax," he says and I roll my eyes, turning on the radio and sitting back in my seat, sensing we will be in here for awhile.

After over an hour's drive, Harry finally pulls off the highway and he turns into a spot, parking his car halfway in the sand of a deserted beach.

"C'mon," he says and I smile, shaking my head as I climb out of the car. I slip my shoes off and throw them onto the seat before closing the door and meeting a barefoot Harry at the front of his car.

He locks it and takes my hand, dragging me towards some rocks that have water lapping up onto them and he guides me into a small little half cave, more like a cove.

He plops down into the sand, resting his back against the rock wall of the cave and he looks out at the water. I sink down next to him and he pulls my body into his, snuggling his head into my neck.

We move so we are laying down and Harry wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close so we are chest to chest.

I move my arms up and I start to run my fingers through his hair, knowing it calms him down. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh as he smiles and rubs my back.

"How are you, boo?" He asks softly and I smile, knowing the answer to this question already. "A little nervous, but I'm happy. Not just a fake happy, but a real joyful gladness happy happy," I say and Harry chuckles before pressing his lips to mine.

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