Chapter 7

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"I'm sorry if I say I need you, but I don't care I'm not scared of love. 'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker, is that so wrong? Is it so wrong? That you make me strong..."

Harry furrows his eyebrows as he picks up his phone. Louis is still not back yet and it's already gotten dark. Harry goes to his contacts and clicks on Alberto's, wondering if he might know where Louis is. He would suppose that he is with Louis, but seeing the way Louis stormed off earlier, it's not likely Al knows.

He clicks on it and brings the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" A voice rings over the speaker and Harry sighs. "Hey Al, it's Harry, I just-do you know where Louis is?" He asks, suddenly nervous for the answer. "No, he hasn't called me or texted me, why? What's up?" He asks and Harry lets out a breath. "Shit, he hasn't come home yet and he stormed out of the cafe we were eating at and I don't know where he went. I'm worried, Al," He bites his bottom lip and hears a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Alright, you at his new house?" Al asks and Harry gives a hum of agreement. "Stay there and I'll come over and we can talk it over, yeah?" He says and Harry thanks him before they hang up. He brings his knees to his chest and leans back against the door.

He sees Alberto's car pull up ten minutes later and stands up as Alberto opens the car door. Alberto gives Harry a once-over and sighs. "You haven't got a key?" He asks and Harry shakes his head. "We didn't exactly leave on...good terms," he mutters and Al nods in understanding.

"Lucky for you, I have the spare," Al says and he opens up the front door, letting them both into the new flat. Harry looks around, seeing the boxes packed everywhere and sigh, knowing Louis hasn't unpacked yet.

Harry goes to the couch as Al heads to the lounge chair and they both sit down. "Harry, give me the full details of what happened at the cafe. I might be able to get some clues as to where Louis went," Al says to break the silence and Harry takes a deep breath before recapping the past events. Al stays silent with his eyebrows furrowed through the whole explanation and then Harry let's out a huff as he finishes.

"Well, I could guess that he's at a bar, but that would mean he's been there all day, making him drunk and I don't think that is a good thing," Al suggests and I put my head in my hands. "Do you think he could be smart enough to get a cab back home?" I ask, not wanting to think of other possibilities.

"I say we stay here for the night and cross our fingers to hope that is the case," Al says as he settles into the chair a bit more. Harry goes to protest, but his body says otherwise as it sinks down into the couch. He lies sideways, not wanting to go upstairs to a room, because he might miss Louis coming home.

They both let out a sigh and then Harry closes his eyes, letting soft breaths escape his mouth.


I slowly wake up to the white blinding light and groan once again when I see the nurse peering down at me. "Do you get any fucking privacy in this place?" I question and the nurse gives me a sad smile. "Mr. Tomlinson, I think the doctor would like to send you home to the privacy of your own bedroom, but you are going to need to speak with him first and try to not ignore him this time?" She suggests and I frown, knowing she's correct. "Alright, send him in," I mutter and she smiles. "He will be with you shortly," she says before walking out of the room.

I lay my head back and close my eyes. My lower body is completely numb due to the medication and I don't know whether or not I want to feel the pain anymore.

"Ah, Mr. Tomlinson, are you ready to talk now?" The doctor asks and I sigh with a slight nod. "Can you call me Louis though? Everyone in this damn hospital is calling me Mr. Tomlinson and it's making me feel old," I mutter and the doctor chuckles.

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