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After Jace took me to my room he told me to lock my door and not to open it unless i heard him and the guys knock. I stayed there for a while making sure to ignore all the growling I heard downstairs and I kept trying to convince myself that everything was fine but deep down I knew that was a lie.

It wasn't until I heard a really loud growl that I decided I needed to go downstairs to check on the guys. It was probably a bad idea but I couldn't just sit here and ignore all the growling, Maybe they're being attacked by wild wolves since we are in the middle of a forest.

I got up and unlocked the door moving slowly and quietly down the hall and down the many flights of stairs, I opened the door and was met with a very strange scene indeed. I saw wolves fighting all around me. Some were already dead but most were still fighting.

This was so confusing, why would wolves be fighting here and where's everyone? They're just letting all this happen without doing anything? The weirdest part was that stench, the same awful stench that was all over that building.

I made sure to concentrate on the smell and I realized that it was coming from the wolves but not all of them. The wolves with the stench had red eyes and they had spit dripping from their mouths. Even though I didn't know much about animals from the human Realm I'm sure that they're not supposed to have red eyes.

I think I was right though because the other wolves looked normal, well as normal as wolves that are growling and attacking each other can. I moved around the site making sure to avoid the wolves but they didn't even notice me, they were too busy fighting each other.

It wasn't until I saw a particular black wolf that I stopped, this one was really large and it's scent seemed to draw me in, the scent of pine trees and vanilla. The wolf smelt exactly like Mikhail and that confused me.

The wolf turned around and saw me staring then it looked surprised? Why would a wolf be surprised to see me. I was expecting it to attack me but it only stared at me as two more wolves came up to it. One was a really deep gray and the other was lighter in colour

. They all stared at me before going behind some trees, I was considering following them when I heard snapping sounds. Three people came out from behind the trees and my breath caught in my throat when I realized that it was the guys.

I took a little step back, how is this possible? Wolves went behind the trees and humans came out. The only possible explanation is that they were the wolves. How is that possible? They're supposed to be humans so how could they turn to wolves? Maybe they were shifters like us? But wolf shifters? I couldn't help but say it out and Jace replied that they were actually Werewolves.

I was about to ask more questions when Mikhail spoke up and told us to go inside and that he would answer all my questions.

After entering his office he started explaining everything to me and I finally understood the meaning of Rouges. I was even more worried about my people now.

Why would Rouges take them? Maybe they found out that Dragon shifters exist? I need to work on getting them out but I don't know where they are.

I would have gotten more information about the Rouges from the guys but I wanted to wait a bit so I wouldn't seem suspicious. When he explained what mates were to me I was so shocked.

The mate part wasn't what shocked me cause we Dragons always have mates but it would be a Dragon like us. If all what he said was true then it would mean that I have a Werewolf mate.

This has never happened before, Alice must have felt it when she saw him but she didn't tell me. I asked Mikhail what would happen if I didn't want him as my mate and watched his face fall.

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